Jerome Clark の暗黒史: 球電を否定し、UFO 目撃者を人格攻撃
Jerome Clark が 2009-04 に公開した Web 記事で
- UFO 目撃者を露骨に人格攻撃し、
- 球電の存在を否定
しているのを見かけたので、UFO 研究の暗黒史の事例として記録しておく。
彼の記事にある UFO 目撃者に対して「不適合者」と断定した人格攻撃の箇所、
The thinness of the evidence for flying discs, like that for ball lightning, will ensure that no respectable person ever takes up the issue, except to recall it as a moment in the history of social pathology.
にも呆れる(この箇所の DeepL の和訳は頼りないので原文で示す)。
2009年の段階で、球電が実在しないと断定してしまうようでは、彼は UFO 研究者としての資質に重大な欠陥がある。端的に言えば失 格。
こんな酷いレベルの記事を掲載した "magonia" という Web magazine(既に廃刊)は実質上、「放し飼い」が編集方針になっていたようだ。
MAGONIA ARCHIVE: A Testable Hypothesis
和訳(DeepL 2024-07版 )
ジェローム・クラーク マゴニア99』2009年4月号
1947年6月25日、突如としてアメリカのマスコミを賑わせた「空飛ぶ円盤」の報道が明らかにインチキであることについて、反証可能な仮説があれば、次のような確信に満ちた予測を立てただろう: この興奮は流行であり、社会にこれ以上の害を及ぼす前に消え去るだろう。最もセンセーショナルで示唆的な報道は、精査の末に崩壊するだろう。 説明のつかない報告というのは、夜空の漠然とした光に関するものが圧倒的に多く、よく知られた視覚のトリックが活躍するようなもので、技術的には説明のつかないままである。
天文現象や気象現象、気象観測気球、航空機などの観測ミスによるものだとすぐにわかるような、ごく平凡な報告を除けば、目撃者はフリンジ・パーソナリティ、具体的には、注目を浴びたい負け犬、精神障害者、慢性的な嘘つき、社会病質者、狂信者、 偏執狂、低学歴、迷信家、田舎者、その他の不適合者である。複数の、あるいは独立した観察者による興味深く示唆的な目撃証言はほとんどなく、この体験が客観的なものではなく主観的なものであることは明らかである。
科学者、技術者、航空会社や軍のパイロット、その他の洗練された観察者は、説明のつかない目撃を経験 することはほとんどないだろう。一見不可解な目撃例は、ほとんど特筆すべき例外を除いては、世間知らずか、精神障害者か、不誠実な主張者のものである。
要するに、今から四半世紀後、著名で信頼できる天文学者が、長年の現地調査や観測者と思われる人々との交流をもとに、『空飛ぶ円盤体験』という本を書き、明らかに不合理な命題を打ち出す可能性はない: 「空飛ぶ円盤問題に対する長い間待ち望まれていた(中略)解決策がもたらされるとき、それは単に科学の歩みの次の小さな一歩ではなく、力強く、まったく予期せぬ量子的飛躍であることが証明されると私は信じている。フライング・ディスクの報告について知れば知るほど、それを解決するのは容易になり、知的で精神的に安定した部外者であれば誰でも、それを発生させた従来の刺激を十分に満足させることができるようになる。
A Testable Hypothesis Jerome Clark Magonia 99, April 2009
On June 25, 1947, a falsifiable hypothesis about the transparently bogus character of the "flying disc" reports suddenly flooding the American press would have advanced the following confident predictions: The excitement is a fad which will fade before it can do further harm to society. The most sensational and suggestive reports will collapse under scrutiny. The unexplained reports will be the least interesting - overwhelmingly of nebulous lights in the night sky where well-known tricks of vision come into play - and will remain technically unaccounted for only because there is insufficient information to nail down the precise prosaic solutions that would otherwise be certainly demonstrated.
Except in the case of the most banal reports which can readily be ascribed to mistaken observations of astronomical and meteorological phenomena, weather balloons, aircraft, and the like, witnesses will be fringe personalities - specifically, losers seeking attention, sufferers from mental disorders, chronic liars, sociopaths, fanatics, paranoids, the poorly educated, the superstitious, small-town folk, and other misfits. Virtually no intriguing, suggestive sightings will be made by multiple or independent observers, indicating clearly that the experience is subjective, not objective.
A correlation between mental illness and extraordinary experiential claims will be empirically demonstrated. Soon, psychiatrists will identify individuals' belief in flying-disc encounters --- or, depending upon circumstances, belief that others have had them -- as a symptom of mental disorder sufficient, in some instances, to warrant institutionalization. In cases where such a correlation cannot be documented, the claim will almost always prove, or be suspected with good (not merely speculative) reason, to be a hoax or a practical joke. Investigators will establish that in common with psychiatric difficulties, hoaxing plays a huge role in disc-reporting.
Flying discs will not show up on radar or other instruments. Ostensible trackings will fall to firmly established, indisputable conventional explanations once professionals examine the data. Analysis by technical experts will prove that all films and photographs of structured, craftlike objects either are faked or depict conventional phenomena. When studied in laboratories by competent scientific authorities, alleged ground traces left by landed discs will be found in every instance to be of prosaic origin, and no educated authority will contest the identification.
Scientists, engineers, airline and military pilots, and other sophisticated observers will rarely, if ever, experience sightings that are unexplainable. Ostensibly puzzling sightings will be -- with barely any exceptions worth noting -- the province of naive, disturbed, or dishonest claimants.
There is, in short, no possibility that a quarter-century from now, a prominent, well-credentialed astronomer, drawing on many years of,field investigation and interaction with supposed observers, will write a book titled The Flying Disc Experience, putting forth a manifestly absurd proposition: "When the long awaited [sic] solution to the flying-disc problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum leap." The more one knows about flying-disc reports, the easier it will be to solve them and to show to the full satisfaction of any intelligent, mentally stable outsider the conventional stimuli that generated them.
There will be no controversy about this except among the credulous, cretinous, and cracked, whom all responsible citizens must shun as undesirables. Belief in flying discs as genuine anomalies -- and it will be "belief' uncontaminated by evidence -- that defy current knowledge will be exposed as the intellectual equivalent of faith in a flat earth, sun-sign astrology, phrenology, and worse. Most flying-disc promoters, incidentally, will be the sorts of individuals who embrace all of the above, some of them from the rubber rooms in which they are housed.
The thinness of the evidence for flying discs, like that for ball lightning, will ensure that no respectable person ever takes up the issue, except to recall it as a moment in the history of social pathology.
Those who seek to speak and advocate otherwise will be effectively and permanently silenced via the judicious application of ridicule.