1977-01-21, プエルトリコ: UFO/ET 遭遇事件
Preston Dennett による要約




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そして次に、もう一つの本当に説得力のあるケースを紹介しよう。 私はこれを「普通の人間には見えなかった」と呼んでいる。 (00:33:04)
これはほとんどの点で、目撃者が一人の事件である。 彼らは政府の人間だったようだ。 というのも、これらの機体がリバースエンジニアリングされたものであることを示唆しているからである。 それだけでも非常に重要だ。 人々は、私たちがある程度ETの技術を手に入れ、軍がそれをリバースエンジニアリングしていることを知る必要がある。 だから、人々が空で見るものすべてが必ずしもETとは限らない。 (00:33:37)
この作品については、あなた自身が決めることができる。 この事件には実に興味深い要素があり、少なくともこのうちの1つは本当にETであることを示唆していると思う。 それは1977年1月21日にプエルトリコのカムイで起こった。 非常に珍しいことがたくさん起こっている。 本当に興味深い事件だ。 この事件は、長年の多作な研究者ホルヘ・マーティンによるもので、フアン・ペドロ・エルナンデスという一人の目撃者が関わっている。 (00:34:10)
1977年1月21日の夜中の1時半、フアンはプエルトリコのカムイからマヤグエスに向かって車を運転していた。その時、彼は異常に輝く星のような物体に 気づいた。 彼はカムイ川にかかる橋を渡ったところで、この光が半マイルも離れていないことを確認した。 (00:34:41)
そして、鮮やかな白い光だったものが、鮮やかな紫色に変わり、そしてターコイズブルーに変わった。 そして彼は、それがただの光ではなく、実際には非常に大きく、幅800フィート、長さ500フィートほどのしっかりとした船であることがわかった。 フアンが言うように、それは広大で巨大だった。 (00:35:06)
それは三角形で、私の頭上約80から100フィートの高さまで下がっていた。 虹色の光と、赤、黄、青、白と順番に色を変えていく光が見えた。 てっぺんにはキューポラがあり、その中に人のシルエットが見えた。 それは普通の人ではなく、背が高く、細身で、頭は洋ナシのような奇妙な形をしていて、上部は大きく、顎の下の部分は小さかった。 (00:35:42)
光が強かったので目が見えたが、大きくて暗かった。 というわけで、これはグレイによく似ている。 フアンは好奇心旺盛であったが、怯えており、この工芸品が彼に個人的な影響を与えるようなことをしたとき、彼の感情はより強くなった。 フアンが言うように、突然、上の部分、キューポラから光線が来て、私を照らした。 松明や懐中電灯のような光ではなかった。 (00:36:12)
それは徐々に降りてきて、コントロールされ、その形を保ち、それ自身の中に収まった。 そしてそれは私を包み込んだ。 私はまだそこに立ってキューポラの中の存在を見ていた。そして今、私は広大な平和の感覚を感じ、今まで知らなかったような静けさを感じた。 (00:36:32)
だからこれは明らかに普通の光ではない。 この光線は、彼に3分間は当たっていたと彼は推測している。 今、彼は船の底をよく見て、6枚から8枚の羽根のようなものが、非常にゆっくりと回転しながら動いているのを見た。 音はまったく聞こえなかった。 その後、この船は彼から光線を離し、ゆっくりと遠ざかり始めた。 (00:37:00)
さて、非常に興味を持ったフアンは車に飛び乗り、それを追いかけようとした。 しかし、彼の前方の道路が窓を暗くした黒いバンでふさがれたとき、彼は20フィート以上行かなかった。 そこでフアンは車から出てきて、歩いて近づき、なぜ道がふさがれているのか尋ねた。 真っ黒な服を着た男が出てきて、フアンは彼に、フアンが見たものを見ているのかと尋ねた。 (00:37:29)
すると男は謎めいた返事をした。あなたが見ていようが見ていまいが、私には何の興味もない。 そしてフアンに、もう追うな、さもないと彼に何か起こるかもしれないぞ、と脅すように言った。 しかしフアンはめげず、男は再び彼にこう叫んだ。 しかしそれでもフアンはめげずにバンに近づき、中を覗き込むと、黒ずくめの服を着た他の3人の男が見えた。 (00:38:06)
彼はスクリーンを見ることができ、そのスクリーンには明らかにこのUFOと他の2機のような機体が接近していることを示すブリップが映っていた。 そして案の定、合図と同時に、2つの別の機体が実際に現れた。 これらのUFOは、彼に光線を照射した最初のUFOとよく似ていた。 少し離れたところにまだ見えていた最初の船は、今度は鮮やかな紫色の光で照らされ、それが船であるという事実を覆い隠した。今度は、ただの紫色の光の玉のように見え、超高速で上空に飛び上がり、わずか数秒で星々の中の小さな光の点になった。 (00:38:52)
さて、これが起こったとき、他の2つのクラフトは逸れ、フアンによると、彼らは煙の跡を残していた。 フアンは、この最初の船は実際にETによって操縦された地球外生命体であったと信じているが、他の2つの船はおそらくリバースエンジニアリングされた軍用機であったと考えている。 そして、フアンが言うように、彼らは自分たちがETであることを大衆に示そうとしている。そして、地球外生命体とされる他の人々は悪い存在であり、私たちを貪りに来て、損害を与えようとしていることを大衆に示そうとしている。 (00:39:35)
フアンが目撃したことを報告するだけでなく、あのような方法で政府の工作員、政府の工作員と思われる人たちに本気で立ち向かう勇気を持ったことに賞賛を贈りたい。 (00:39:46)
彼がこの光線に打たれたとき、信じられないほどの平和と静寂を感じたと述べているのも実に興味深い。 これは、他の多くの証言で聞いたことがある詳細で、実際のETクラフトであることを指し示すものだと思う。 しかし、他のものは、私には政府のリバースエンジニアリングのように聞こえる。 目撃者は確かにそう考えていた。 (00:40:10)
ここで起こっていることについての彼の解釈はとても興味深かった。なぜなら、偽旗や、政府がETの侵略を推し進め、ETを悪意あるものとして描くことについて、多くの話があるからだ。 だから、それについては各自で判断してほしいが、私は重要なケースだと思った。
And now we move to another really compelling case. I call this one, It Didn't Seem Like a Normal Person. (00:33:04)
This is in most respects a single witness case, though there were other people there. They were apparently government folks. This is an interesting case because it points towards these craft being reverse engineered. So that alone is very important. People do need to know that we have to some extent gotten our hands on ET technology, the military has, and are reverse engineering it. So not everything people see in the sky is necessarily ET. (00:33:37)
You can make up your own mind about this one. It's got some really interesting elements to it that I think point towards at least one of these craft being truly ET. It occurred on January 21st, 1977 in Camuy, Puerto Rico. Lot of stuff going on there that's quite unusual. It's a really interesting case. This case comes from long time and prolific researcher Jorge Martin and it does involve a single witness by the name of Juan Pedro Hernandez. (00:34:10)
It was 1.30am on the evening of January 21st, 1977 as Juan was driving from Camuy to Mayaguez in Puerto Rico when he noticed an unusually brilliant star-like object, which he could see clearly wasn't a star, because suddenly it started to descend towards him. He had just crossed over the bridge over the Camuy River when he saw that this light was now no more than a half mile away. (00:34:41)
And what had been a brilliant white light now changed to a vivid violet color and then to turquoise blue. And he could see now it wasn't just a light, but in fact a solid craft, very large, about 800 feet wide and 500 feet long. He got out of his car to take a real close look at it and as Juan says, it was vast, enormous. (00:35:06)
It was triangular and was now down to a height of about 80 to 100 feet above me. I could see lights on it, a row of iridescent lights as well as others that were changing color all of the time in sequence, red, yellow, blue, white. On top it had a cupola inside of which I could see the silhouette of a person. And it didn't seem like a normal person, but tall, slender, with a strangely shaped head like a pear, large in the upper part and small below at the jaws. (00:35:42)
The light was strong enough for me to see his eyes, which were big and dark. So this sounds very much like a gray. Juan was curious but frightened and his emotions became stronger when this craft did something that affected him personally. As Juan says, suddenly from the top part, the cupola, came a beam of light that shone on me. It wasn't like the light of a torch, a flashlight, which becomes dispersed. (00:36:12)
As it came down gradually, it was controlled and keeping its shape, contained within itself. And it enveloped me. I was still standing there looking at the being in the cupola and now I felt a sensation of vast peace, a tranquility such as I have never known before. (00:36:32)
So clearly this is not a normal light. This beam of light remained on him for a full three minutes, he estimates. Now he got a good look at the bottom of the craft and he saw what looked like six to eight blades moving, rotating very slowly. No sound whatsoever was audible. This craft then withdrew the beam of light from him and it started to move slowly away. (00:37:00)
Now Juan, very interested, hopped back into his car and tried to follow it. But he hadn't gone more than 20 feet when the road ahead of him was blocked by a black van with darkened windows. So Juan came out of his car, walked up and asked why the road was blocked. A man dressed totally in black came out and Juan asked him if he was seeing what Juan had seen. (00:37:29)
And the man replied enigmatically, if you're seeing it or not seeing it is of no interest to me. And he then told Juan threateningly to stop following it or else something might happen to him. But Juan was not to be deterred and the man shouted again at him, you aren't going to follow it and that's that. But still undeterred, Juan walked up to the van, peered directly inside and he could see three other men all dressed in black and in the back of this van he saw what looked like radar equipment, which he was familiar with. (00:38:06)
He could see the screens and what apparently were blips on the screen showing this UFO and what looked like two other craft approaching. And sure enough, right on cue, two other craft did in fact appear. Now these looked very much like the first one he had just seen which shone a beam of light on him, except these craft were very noisy. The first craft, which was still visible a short distance away, now lit up with a brilliant violet light which obscured the fact that it was a craft, now it appeared to be just a ball of violet light and it darted upwards at super high speed, in only seconds becoming a tiny point of light among the stars. (00:38:52)
Now when this happened, the other two craft veered off and per Juan, they were leaving a trail of smoke. So Juan believes that this first craft was actually extraterrestrial piloted by ETs, but the other two, he thinks, were probably reverse engineered military craft. And as Juan says, they are trying to present themselves to the public as being them, the ETs, and trying to show the public that those other folk, the supposed extraterrestrials are bad, coming to devour us, to inflict damage, all in order to create a false image of what those other personages, or whatever they are, can be. (00:39:35)
I have to give kudos to Juan for having the courage not only to report his sighting, but to really confront these government agents, apparent government agents, in the way that he did. (00:39:46)
I also found it really interesting how he describes when he was struck by this beam of light, he felt this incredible peace and tranquility. This is a detail I have heard in many other accounts, and I think points towards that being an actual ET craft. But the other ones, no, they sound like government reverse engineered to me. That's certainly what the witness thought. (00:40:10)
I found his interpretation of what's going on here very interesting, because there is a lot of talk about false flag, and governments pushing an ET invasion, portraying ETs as malevolent. So, you can make up your own minds about it, but I thought it was an important case.
ASTOUNDING: Ten True Humanoid Encounters
29,900 views Aug 17, 2024
プレストン・デネット ウェブサイト:https://prestondennett.weebly.com/
Few experiences are as astounding as a direct face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial humanoid from another world. And yet, the number of cases is far greater than most people think. They have been reported for well over a hundred years and probably into antiquity. Cases come from all over the world. This video presents ten little known cases, each one adding to our knowledge of ET contact. There are far too many cases to be explained away as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misperceptions.THE ETS AND THE SAUCER. On the afternoon of May 5, 1954, eight-year-old Arnaldo Ribeiro de Freitas was goat-herding near his home in Fregim, Portugal when an odd sound alerted him to two UFOs hovering nearby. One flew off, but the other remained, and Arnaldo could see two big-headed humanoids sitting inside it. And one was looking right at him! After it departed, it left weird landing traces on the ground.
ANOTHER ALIEN MICHELIN MAN. One afternoon in May of 1960, Professor Miguel Timermans Ceballos was driving his motorcycle near Cadiz, Spain. Looking ahead, he saw a strange humanoid figure which looked very much like the famous Michelin Man. Seconds later, a second figure appeared. Both walked clumsily across the road before disappearing into the brush. Miguel was convinced they were not human.
IT WASN’T ANYTHING HUMAN. Late in the evening of October 23, 1963, Robert W. Smith drove in a rural area of South River, NJ when he saw something odd in the beams of his car headlights: three very short humanoid figures dressed in tight-fitting, silver, one-piece suits. They darted across the road far faster than a human could move. Robert was too frightened to stop. It was an experience he would never forget.
THE FLOATING HUMANOID OF COFICO. On July 2, 1968, numerous residents of Cofico, Argentina observed UFOs and/or humanoids hovering overhead. Three witnesses at one home described a glowing humanoid figure floating in the air. Another witness described a 9-foot-tall robotic figure, also floating in the sky. Another witness in a different home described the same thing. Even policemen witnessed strange activity.
THE JAY-WALKING ALIENS. In early May of 1969, numerous residents in Rockville, Virginia started seeing UFOs darting around overhead. But on the night of May 11, 1969, Mike Luczkowich saw actual humanoids. Driving along Route 622, he saw what he first thought were two deer. Instead, he realized they were four-foot-tall humanoids with giant heads. They crossed the road in front of him, followed by a third one.
THE DUMBBELL ETS. On the night of October 24, 1976, Romeo Lucarelli and his young daughter were driving to their home in Hobling, France when a brilliant light appeared ahead of them. It zoomed towards them and revealed itself to be a dumbbell-shaped object with two humanoid figures inside. To Romeo’s fear, the craft followed them home. His wife ran out just in time to see the UFO dart away.
IT DIDN’T SEEM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. On the night of January 21, 1977, Juan Pedro Hernandez of Camuy, Puerto Rico was shocked to see an ET craft hovering at low altitude overhead. Inside he saw a skinny figure with a big head and dark eyes looking at him. Suddenly he was struck a beam of light from the UFO. The beam retracted and the UFO departed. Juan followed, but govt agents appeared, blocking his way.
THE UFO GNOME. In late March of 1978, Constantina Imbibos and her husband began seeing UFOs behind their home in Villamare Di Sapri, Italy. After several sightings, on April 25,1978, Constantina saw another UFO, and seconds later, a strange gnome-like humanoid wearing an orange suit and pointed hat. It bounced around like a gnome. Soon more UFOs would be seen, and more gnome-like entities.
AN 8-FOOT-TALL GRAY. On the night of July 31, 2018, a military veteran with a Top Secret clearance was driving on State Route 13 just north of Mount Vernon, Ohio when an eight-foot-tall, incredibly thin, hairless humanoid crossed the road in front of him. It had black eyes, a small mouth and four fingers on each hand. It was not human. Truly frightened, the witness decided not to stop.
I SAW SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET. Around 5am on July 16, 2020, Paul Froggatt was bicycling home from work in Warwick, UK when a UFO appeared. He snapped two photos with his camera, but became frightened when the craft seemed to follow him. Moments later he came face-to-face with a 7-foot-tall, praying mantis humanoid. He was so frightened he began to cry. He fled the area, thoroughly traumatized.
As hard as it might be for some people to believe, the growing number of cases involving humanoid encounters make it undeniable that we are being visited by extraterrestrials. Thankfully, as the government UFO coverup collapses, and as more people reveal their encounters, the truth is coming out. ETs are real! And it’s time that all of humanity knows it.
Preston Dennett Website: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/