1969-05-11, Virginia:多くの現地住民が UFOを目撃した当時、夜道を横切った謎の生物
Preston Dennett による要約
ジェイ・ウォーキング・エイリアン 1969年5月上旬、バージニア州ロックヴィルの多数の住民が、頭上を飛び回るUFOを目撃し始めた。しかし、1969年5月11日の夜、マイク・ルクスコウィッチは実際のヒューマノイドを目撃した。国道622号線を車で走っていた彼は、最初2頭の鹿だと思った。そうではなく、巨大な頭を持つ身長1メートルほどのヒューマノイドであることがわかった。彼らは彼の目の前で道路を横切り、3頭目が続いた。


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そしてもうひとつは、私が「信号無視のエイリアン」と呼んでいるものだ。 夜、自分の車の前を横切るETを目撃した人がかなりいる。 別の例を挙げよう。 これは1969年5月11日、バージニア州ロックビルで起こった。 これは、目撃者がヒューマノイドを見たという点では、ほとんどの点で、一人の目撃者のケースであるが、このヒューマノイドの目撃に関係する着陸の痕跡と思われるものは言うまでもなく、当時その地域でUFOが活動していたといういくつかの裏付けとなる目撃者がいる。 (00:20:13)
この驚くべき事件は、1969年5月4日、雷雨の後に始まった一連の異常な出来事に関係している。 (00:20:22)
この時、ロックヴィル地域の多数の住民が空で異常な音を聞いたと報告した。 ハーバート・C・クレイター、彼の妻、息子は皆、車ほどの大きさの、この光り、脈打つ物体が、丸1時間、空に浮かんでいるのを見たと言った。 それから5日後、5月10日の真夜中15分前、18歳のデビー・ペインがデートの後、ロックヴィルの自宅まで車で送り届けられた。 (00:20:56)
家に近づいたとき、彼女は家のすぐ近くで発光する楕円形の物体がホバリングしているのを見て驚いた。 彼女はその物体が明るさを増して消えるのを見たが、家に着く前に2度再び現れた。 運転手はその物体を見なかったので、デビーには他の目撃者はいなかった。 2時間後、西に半マイル離れた場所で、別の紳士が彼の人生で最も不可解で驚くべき出来事のひとつを体験しようとしていたことを除けば、それがその程度であっただろう。 (00:21:29)
20歳の学生マイク・ルキヴィッチは、5月11日午前1時45分頃、車で自宅に向かっていた。 彼は近くのロックヴィルにガールフレンドを訪ね、国道622号線を南下し、ロックヴィル・ゼネラルストアを通り過ぎようとしたとき、最初、前方150フィートほどのところに鹿のカップルが道路を横切っていると思った。
二人ともバスケットボールほどの大きさの大きな球形のヘルメットをかぶり、顔の部分には大きな円形の面板がついていた。 マイクの車からのビームが当たると、この2人の人影は動かずに立っていた。 これらの面板は淡い緑色の光を反射していたが、このヘッドライトが当たるやいなや、ほとんどすぐに小走りに道路を横切って左側によじ登り、雑草やつる植物、ツタウルシなどが生い茂る高さ4フィートの堤防をよじ登り、大麦畑に逃げ込んで姿を消した。 (00:22:48)
そこで彼はこれを見ていたのだが、彼らが消えると同時に、まさにその瞬間、第三の人影が道路を横切ってダッシュした。 このヒューマノイドは他の人影と同じルートをたどったが、マイクによると、その移動速度ははるかに速かったという。 彼によると、3体とも薄茶色のカバーオールを着ており、脚の周りはゆったりとした袋状になっていたが、足首の周りはぴったりとフィットしていたという。 (00:23:19)
そのため、彼らはすぐに姿を消した。目撃したのはかなり短い時間だったが、彼はそれを間近で見た。 彼は一日中そのことを考えたが、後にその体験を報告することに決め、他の3人と一緒に現場に戻った。実際、彼らはツタウルシとスイカズラの中に足跡を見つけ、それは大麦の中を通り抜ける道に続いていた。 (00:23:45)
こういうケースを見ると、ETは何を企んでいるのだろうといつも不思議に思う。 (00:23:49)
舞台裏で起きていることのほんの一部を見ているのは明らかだ。彼らは降りてきて、何かをし、飛び立つ。 だから、もしかしたら植物を採りに行ったのかもしれないし、誰かを迎えに行ったのかもしれない。言いにくいし、純粋な憶測だけど、彼らは明らかに理由があってそこにいて、しばらくそこにいたようだ。 (00:24:18)
And here's another one, which I call the jaywalking aliens. Quite a few cases of people seeing ETs crossing the road in front of their car at night. Here's another example. This occurred on May 11, 1969, in Rockville, Virginia. And while this is, in most respects, a single witness case, in terms of the witness seeing humanoids, there are some corroborating witnesses to UFO activity in the area at that time, not to mention what appear to be landing traces involved with this humanoid sighting. (00:20:13)
This amazing case involves a series of unusual events, which began on May 4, 1969, following a thunderstorm. (00:20:22)
This is when numerous residents in the Rockville area reported hearing an unusual sound in the sky. Herbert C. Claytor, his wife and son, all said that they saw this glowing, pulsating object, which was about the size of a car, hovering in the sky for a full hour. Now, five days later, 15 minutes before midnight on May 10, it was 18-year-old Debbie Payne was being driven back to her home in Rockville after going on a date. (00:20:56)
As they approached her house, she was startled to see a luminous, oval-shaped object hovering very near her home. She watched as it flared in brightness and disappeared, but then reappeared twice before they reached her house. The driver did not see the object, so Debbie didn't have any other witnesses. That would have been the extent of it, except for two hours later and a half mile to the west where another gentleman was about to experience one of the most puzzling and astounding events of his life. (00:21:29)
Mike Lukiewicz, a 20-year-old student, was driving to his home at about 1.45 a.m., now May 11. He had visited his girlfriend in nearby Rockville, and he just turned south onto Route 622 and was passing the Rockville General Store when he saw what he first thought were a couple of deer about 150 feet ahead of him crossing the road. But he realized almost immediately that these were not deer, and instead they appeared to be two small humanoid figures, each about 3 ½ to 4 feet tall. (00:22:09)
They both wore large spherical helmets about the size of basketballs, with a large circular faceplate where the face would be. These two figures stood motionless when the beams from Mike's car hit them. These faceplates reflected a pale green light, but as soon as these headlights hit him, almost immediately they scuttled and scrambled across the road to the left side, climbing up a 4-foot tall embankment which was overgrown with weeds and vines and poison ivy and other plants, and escaped into a field of barley where they disappeared. (00:22:48)
So he watched this, and as soon as they disappeared, at that very moment, a third figure dashed across the road, again from right to left, and was now only 75 feet ahead of Mike's car. This humanoid followed the same route as the others, only per Mike it moved much faster. He said all three figures were dressed in light brown coveralls, which were loose-fitting and baggy around the legs, but fit snugly around the ankles. (00:23:19)
So they disappeared quite quickly, it was a pretty brief sighting, but he saw it close enough and he was so shaken by the encounter that he told nobody at first. He thought about it all day, but later decided to report the experience, and he returned with three other people to the site, where they did in fact find a trail in the poison ivy and honeysuckle, which led to a path that went right through the barley. (00:23:45)
Cases like these always make me wonder, what are these ETs up to? (00:23:49)
It's clear we are seeing just a portion of what's going on behind the scenes, because they're coming down, they're doing things, and they're taking off, and we don't hear about it, we only of course hear about what witnesses are able to see. So who knows, maybe they were there to pick plants or pick somebody up, hard to say, it's pure speculation, but they were clearly there for a reason, and apparently there for a while, because there were so many sightings in that area at that time. (00:24:18)
ASTOUNDING: Ten True Humanoid Encounters
29,900 views Aug 17, 2024
プレストン・デネット ウェブサイト:https://prestondennett.weebly.com/
Few experiences are as astounding as a direct face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial humanoid from another world. And yet, the number of cases is far greater than most people think. They have been reported for well over a hundred years and probably into antiquity. Cases come from all over the world. This video presents ten little known cases, each one adding to our knowledge of ET contact. There are far too many cases to be explained away as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misperceptions.THE ETS AND THE SAUCER. On the afternoon of May 5, 1954, eight-year-old Arnaldo Ribeiro de Freitas was goat-herding near his home in Fregim, Portugal when an odd sound alerted him to two UFOs hovering nearby. One flew off, but the other remained, and Arnaldo could see two big-headed humanoids sitting inside it. And one was looking right at him! After it departed, it left weird landing traces on the ground.
ANOTHER ALIEN MICHELIN MAN. One afternoon in May of 1960, Professor Miguel Timermans Ceballos was driving his motorcycle near Cadiz, Spain. Looking ahead, he saw a strange humanoid figure which looked very much like the famous Michelin Man. Seconds later, a second figure appeared. Both walked clumsily across the road before disappearing into the brush. Miguel was convinced they were not human.
IT WASN’T ANYTHING HUMAN. Late in the evening of October 23, 1963, Robert W. Smith drove in a rural area of South River, NJ when he saw something odd in the beams of his car headlights: three very short humanoid figures dressed in tight-fitting, silver, one-piece suits. They darted across the road far faster than a human could move. Robert was too frightened to stop. It was an experience he would never forget.
THE FLOATING HUMANOID OF COFICO. On July 2, 1968, numerous residents of Cofico, Argentina observed UFOs and/or humanoids hovering overhead. Three witnesses at one home described a glowing humanoid figure floating in the air. Another witness described a 9-foot-tall robotic figure, also floating in the sky. Another witness in a different home described the same thing. Even policemen witnessed strange activity.
THE JAY-WALKING ALIENS. In early May of 1969, numerous residents in Rockville, Virginia started seeing UFOs darting around overhead. But on the night of May 11, 1969, Mike Luczkowich saw actual humanoids. Driving along Route 622, he saw what he first thought were two deer. Instead, he realized they were four-foot-tall humanoids with giant heads. They crossed the road in front of him, followed by a third one.
THE DUMBBELL ETS. On the night of October 24, 1976, Romeo Lucarelli and his young daughter were driving to their home in Hobling, France when a brilliant light appeared ahead of them. It zoomed towards them and revealed itself to be a dumbbell-shaped object with two humanoid figures inside. To Romeo’s fear, the craft followed them home. His wife ran out just in time to see the UFO dart away.
IT DIDN’T SEEM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. On the night of January 21, 1977, Juan Pedro Hernandez of Camuy, Puerto Rico was shocked to see an ET craft hovering at low altitude overhead. Inside he saw a skinny figure with a big head and dark eyes looking at him. Suddenly he was struck a beam of light from the UFO. The beam retracted and the UFO departed. Juan followed, but govt agents appeared, blocking his way.
THE UFO GNOME. In late March of 1978, Constantina Imbibos and her husband began seeing UFOs behind their home in Villamare Di Sapri, Italy. After several sightings, on April 25,1978, Constantina saw another UFO, and seconds later, a strange gnome-like humanoid wearing an orange suit and pointed hat. It bounced around like a gnome. Soon more UFOs would be seen, and more gnome-like entities.
AN 8-FOOT-TALL GRAY. On the night of July 31, 2018, a military veteran with a Top Secret clearance was driving on State Route 13 just north of Mount Vernon, Ohio when an eight-foot-tall, incredibly thin, hairless humanoid crossed the road in front of him. It had black eyes, a small mouth and four fingers on each hand. It was not human. Truly frightened, the witness decided not to stop.
I SAW SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET. Around 5am on July 16, 2020, Paul Froggatt was bicycling home from work in Warwick, UK when a UFO appeared. He snapped two photos with his camera, but became frightened when the craft seemed to follow him. Moments later he came face-to-face with a 7-foot-tall, praying mantis humanoid. He was so frightened he began to cry. He fled the area, thoroughly traumatized.
As hard as it might be for some people to believe, the growing number of cases involving humanoid encounters make it undeniable that we are being visited by extraterrestrials. Thankfully, as the government UFO coverup collapses, and as more people reveal their encounters, the truth is coming out. ETs are real! And it’s time that all of humanity knows it.
Preston Dennett Website: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/