1960-05, スペイン:教員が Michelin man 型 ET に遭遇 ⇒ この正体を解く(途中 1)
Preston Dennett による要約
もう一人のミシュラン星人 1960年5月のある日の午後、ミゲル・ティメルマンス・セバージョス教授はスペインのカディス近郊でオートバイを運転していた。前方を見ると、有名なミシュランマンによく似た奇妙な人型が見えた。数秒後、2番目の人影が現れた。二人とも不器用に道路を横切り、やがて茂みの中に消えていった。ミゲルは彼らが人間ではないと確信した。









Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
私はこのケースが好きだ。 私はこれを『もう一人の宇宙人ミシュランマン』と呼んでいる。 このような事例がたくさんあると知っていたら、ミシュランマンとの遭遇だけを取り上げた単発のエピソードを作っていたかもしれない。 (00:05:33)
そしてこのミシュランマンのようなETの長いリストに、また新たなものが加わった。 これは1960年5月にス ペインのカディスで起こった。 目撃者の証言が非常に信頼できるもので、気に入っている。 彼は教師であり、教授であり、この本当に珍しいヒューマノイドをかなりよく見ている。 この事件はスペインの研究者アントニオ・リベラとミゲル・ペドロ・ガルシアが目撃者に直接インタビューしたものである。 (00:06:04)
そして、古典的なミシュランマンのようなETにまつわる事件の長いリストに、またひとつ加わった。 この事件の目撃者はミゲル・ティマーマン・セバロスである。 彼はスペインのカディスにあるヘレス・デ・ラ・フロンテーラの教師である。 1960年5月のある日の午後1時頃、目撃者のミゲルはプラド・デル・レイからヘレスの自宅までオートバイでドライブしていた。 (00:06:34)
今、彼はアルコス・デ・ラ・フロンテーラとエル・ボスケという二つの小さな町の間にいた。 彼が出会った当時、この道は未舗装だった。 今は舗装されている。 しかし、彼は短い急な坂道を上っていたとき、わずか500フィートほど手前の道路に奇妙な人影が並んでいるのを見た。 その姿はとても奇妙で、ミゲルは即座にそれが普通のものではなく、おそらく人間ではないのだとわかった。というのも、その人物は足から胴体、そして腕に至るまで、何十もの膨らんだリングで構成された赤っぽいスーツを着ていたからだ。 (00:07:11)
そしてミゲルが言うように、彼は頭から足まで真っ赤で、突然ハイウェイの端に現れた。 (00:07:24)
そして彼の歩き方は機械仕掛けの人形のようで、つまり腕の硬いロボットのようだった。 だから、突然の出現にショックを受け、驚いたのは言うまでもない。 彼はバイクを止め、その奇妙なヒューマノイドを注意深く観察した。 その人型は道路の端に沿って歩いており、6歩ほど歩いたところで突然、ほとんど同じ姿の別の人型が現れ、最初の人型の後を追い始めた。 (00:07:52)
さて、この二番目の人影には、最初の人影と大きく違う点が二つあった。 身長がかなり低く、1メートルか4フィート(約1.5メートル)足らずであることと、片足だけに黒いブーツのようなものを履いていることだ。 とても奇妙だ。 ミゲルには顔の特徴は見えなかったが、この2人の人影が歩くのに苦労しているように見えた。 彼が見ている間、この2人の人影はハイウェイを斜めに横切った。 (00:08:21)
そして好奇心は強かったが用心深かったミゲルは、近寄りたいかどうか自分自身と議論した。 もう一人いれば近づいただろうが、一人だったので躊躇したという。 そこで彼は、彼らが道路を横切るまで待ち、この2人の人影が向こう側の茂みに消えたとき、ついに彼はバイクのエンジンをかけることにした。 (00:08:47)
残念なことに、彼が到着した時には、彼らはもう視界に入っておらず、彼が彼らを見たのは約30秒だったと推定される。 彼は彼らが通った形跡や足跡などを探したが、何もなかった。 この遭遇は彼を怯えさせ、この世のものではない何かを見たと確信させた。 そのような出会いは驚くべきものだ。 (00:09:12)
だから目撃者が近づきたがらないことを責めるつもりはない。 この目撃者が言ったように、もし誰か他の人が一緒だったら近づいただろうが、彼はそうしなかった。 残念ながら、彼の証言を裏付ける物的証拠はないが、彼が教授であることを考え ると、この証言は間違いなく注目に値すると思う。 しかし、彼が教授であることを考えると、この証言は注目に値すると思う。 これは世界中で起こっていることなのだ。 (00:09:44)
I like this case. I call it Another Alien Michelin Man. If I knew that there were so many cases like this, I probably would have done a singular episode on just Michelin Man type encounters, because there's a lot of them. (00:05:33)
And this one adds another to this long list of ETs that look like the Michelin Man. This one occurred in May of 1960 in Cadiz, Spain. I like it because the witness is very credible. He's a teacher, a professor, and he got a pretty darn good look at these really unusual humanoids. This case comes from Spanish researchers Antonio Ribera and Miguel Pedro Garcia, both who interviewed the witness directly. (00:06:04)
And yeah, it's another addition to a long list of cases involving ETs that look like the classic Michelin Man. The witness in this case is Miguel Timerman Ceballos. He's a teacher from Jerez de la Frontera in Cadiz, Spain. And it was one afternoon around 1 p.m. in May of 1960 that the witness, Miguel, was driving by motorcycle from Prado del Rey to his home in Jerez. (00:06:34)
Now he was in between the two small towns of Arcos de la Frontera and El Bosque. At the time of his encounter, this was a dirt road. It's now paved. But he was going up a short, steep hill when he saw a strange figure alongside the road only about 500 feet ahead of him. And its appearance was so strikingly strange that Miguel knew instantly it was not normal, probably not human, because it was wearing this puffy, reddish suit composed of dozens of inflated rings from its legs all the way up to its body and its arms as well. (00:07:11)
And as Miguel says, he was completely red from head to foot and suddenly appeared at the edge of the highway, rather tall, something like two meters or more, having trouble walking. (00:07:24)
And his walking was like a mechanical doll, that is to say, like a robot with stiff arms. So needless to say, he was shocked and surprised by its sudden appearance. He stopped his motorcycle and carefully observed the strange humanoid. He saw that it was walking along the edge of the road and it took about six steps when suddenly another almost identical looking figure appeared and began to follow the first. (00:07:52)
Now this second figure had two major differences from the first. He was much shorter, just about one meter or less than four feet tall, and he also wore what looked like a single black boot on only one of its feet. So strange. Now Miguel could not see any facial features, but he could see that both these figures appeared to have trouble walking. As he watched, these two figures traversed the highway at an angle. (00:08:21)
And curious but cautious, Miguel debated with himself about whether he wanted to get closer. He said if he had another person with him, he would have, but being alone, he hesitated. So he waited until they crossed the road and as these two figures disappeared into the brush on the other side, he finally decided to start up his motorcycle, which he did, and he drove up to where he had seen these two figures disappear. (00:08:47)
Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, they were no longer in view, and he estimates that he had seen them for about 30 seconds. He did look for evidence of their passing, footprints or anything like this, but there was nothing there. The whole encounter did leave him frightened and convinced that he had seen something that was not from this world. Having an encounter like that has got to be astounding. (00:09:12)
So I don't blame witnesses for not wanting to approach closer. As this witness said, he would have gotten closer if he had someone else with him, but he didn't. Unfortunately, there isn't any real physical evidence supporting his account, but given that he is a professor, I think this account is definitely worth attention. So there's always another account where one leaves off. Just goes to show, this is happening all over the world. (00:09:44)
この Michelin man 型 ET の正体を解く
この件のような Michelin man 型 ET の目撃事例は幾つもあり、過去記事でも取り上げてきた(*1)。 これまでこの Michelin man 型 ET の正体は皆目不明だったが、今回の事例で、遅まきながら その正体に気付いた。たぶん誰もまだ気づいていない筈。
今回の事例に関する Preston Dennett の解説とスケッチにその正体に関する重要なヒントが含まれている。
Michelin man 型 ET の正体
歪曲仮説:元型としてのミシュランマン(その3) (2012-01-26)
歪曲仮説:1972年12月30日、アルゼンチン、UFO と異星人を目撃(統合版) (2012-05-13)
1960年5月、スペイン:二体の "Michelin Man" と遭遇(全体) (2013-12-30)
1971年7月、ミネソタ州:"Michelin man" と遭遇 (途中:その1) (2015-05-01)
1975-02-14, Reunion 島: フラッシュ光と共に消失した UFO/ET (2022-01-04)
ASTOUNDING: Ten True Humanoid Encounters
29,900 views Aug 17, 2024
異世界からやってきた地球外生命体のヒューマノイドと直接対面するほど驚くべき体験はない。しかし、その数は一般の人々が考えているよりもはるかに多い。それらは100年以上前から報告されており、おそらく古代にまでさかのぼるだろう。事例は世界中から寄せられている。このビデオでは、あまり知られていない10のケースを紹介し、それぞれがETとのコンタクトに関する知識を深めるものであ る。デマや幻覚、誤認として説明するには、あまりにも多くの事例がある。
プレストン・デネット ウェブサイト:https://prestondennett.weebly.com/
Few experiences are as astounding as a direct face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial humanoid from another world. And yet, the number of cases is far greater than most people think. They have been reported for well over a hundred years and probably into antiquity. Cases come from all over the world. This video presents ten little known cases, each one adding to our knowledge of ET contact. There are far too many cases to be explained away as hoaxes, hallucinations, or misperceptions.THE ETS AND THE SAUCER. On the afternoon of May 5, 1954, eight-year-old Arnaldo Ribeiro de Freitas was goat-herding near his home in Fregim, Portugal when an odd sound alerted him to two UFOs hovering nearby. One flew off, but the other remained, and Arnaldo could see two big-headed humanoids sitting inside it. And one was looking right at him! After it departed, it left weird landing traces on the ground.
ANOTHER ALIEN MICHELIN MAN. One afternoon in May of 1960, Professor Miguel Timermans Ceballos was driving his motorcycle near Cadiz, Spain. Looking ahead, he saw a strange humanoid figure which looked very much like the famous Michelin Man. Seconds later, a second figure appeared. Both walked clumsily across the road before disappearing into the brush. Miguel was convinced they were not human.
IT WASN’T ANYTHING HUMAN. Late in the evening of October 23, 1963, Robert W. Smith drove in a rural area of South River, NJ when he saw something odd in the beams of his car headlights: three very short humanoid figures dressed in tight-fitting, silver, one-piece suits. They darted across the road far faster than a human could move. Robert was too frightened to stop. It was an experience he would never forget.
THE FLOATING HUMANOID OF COFICO. On July 2, 1968, numerous residents of Cofico, Argentina observed UFOs and/or humanoids hovering overhead. Three witnesses at one home described a glowing humanoid figure floating in the air. Another witness described a 9-foot-tall robotic figure, also floating in the sky. Another witness in a different home described the same thing. Even policemen witnessed strange activity.
THE JAY-WALKING ALIENS. In early May of 1969, numerous residents in Rockville, Virginia started seeing UFOs darting around overhead. But on the night of May 11, 1969, Mike Luczkowich saw actual humanoids. Driving along Route 622, he saw what he first thought were two deer. Instead, he realized they were four-foot-tall humanoids with giant heads. They crossed the road in front of him, followed by a third one.
THE DUMBBELL ETS. On the night of October 24, 1976, Romeo Lucarelli and his young daughter were driving to their home in Hobling, France when a brilliant light appeared ahead of them. It zoomed towards them and revealed itself to be a dumbbell-shaped object with two humanoid figures inside. To Romeo’s fear, the craft followed them home. His wife ran out just in time to see the UFO dart away.
IT DIDN’T SEEM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. On the night of January 21, 1977, Juan Pedro Hernandez of Camuy, Puerto Rico was shocked to see an ET craft hovering at low altitude overhead. Inside he saw a skinny figure with a big head and dark eyes looking at him. Suddenly he was struck a beam of light from the UFO. The beam retracted and the UFO departed. Juan followed, but govt agents appeared, blocking his way.
THE UFO GNOME. In late March of 1978, Constantina Imbibos and her husband began seeing UFOs behind their home in Villamare Di Sapri, Italy. After several sightings, on April 25,1978, Constantina saw another UFO, and seconds later, a strange gnome-like humanoid wearing an orange suit and pointed hat. It bounced around like a gnome. Soon more UFOs would be seen, and more gnome-like entities.
AN 8-FOOT-TALL GRAY. On the night of July 31, 2018, a military veteran with a Top Secret clearance was driving on State Route 13 just north of Mount Vernon, Ohio when an eight-foot-tall, incredibly thin, hairless humanoid crossed the road in front of him. It had black eyes, a small mouth and four fingers on each hand. It was not human. Truly frightened, the witness decided not to stop.
I SAW SOMETHING I WILL NEVER FORGET. Around 5am on July 16, 2020, Paul Froggatt was bicycling home from work in Warwick, UK when a UFO appeared. He snapped two photos with his camera, but became frightened when the craft seemed to follow him. Moments later he came face-to-face with a 7-foot-tall, praying mantis humanoid. He was so frightened he began to cry. He fled the area, thoroughly traumatized.
As hard as it might be for some people to believe, the growing number of cases involving humanoid encounters make it undeniable that we are being visited by extraterrestrials. Thankfully, as the government UFO coverup collapses, and as more people reveal their encounters, the truth is coming out. ETs are real! And it’s time that all of humanity knows it.
Preston Dennett Website: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/