Eric Ouellet:ベルギーでの UFO 目撃多発もポルターガイスト現象として解釈できる
Eric Ouellet はカナダの社会学者で
Eric Ouellet, "Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological", Anomalist Books, 2015
という「UFO はポルターガイスト現象だ」という趣旨の著書(*1)も出している。彼のインタビュー動画からタイトルの件に絞る。
超心理学とUFO学は油と水のようなものだ。何十年もの間、高名な研究者たちがUFO現象の超常現象や超心理学的側面に注目しようと努力してきたにもかかわらず、両者は混じり合わないのだ。社会学者エリック・オイエレットは『イルミネー ションズ』の中で、地球外生命体、タイムトラベラー、政府の秘密プロジェクト、自然現象など、これまで説明しようとするあらゆる努力に抵抗してきたこの現象に、斬新なアプローチを提供している。
「社会学者として、UFO目撃者として、さらに超心理学研究者として、エリック・オイエレットは、私が40年にわたるUFO調査の現場で遭遇した好奇心のバガテルを理解するためのすべての条件を満たしている。- ジェニー・ランドルズ、『マインド・モンスター』の著者
ERIC OUELLETは、カナダ王立陸軍大学およびカナダ軍大学(カナダの統合幕僚学校および陸軍大学)の国防学教授である。ヨーク大学(カナダ・トロント)で社会学の博士号を取得し、超心理学協会のカナダ担当連絡官を務める。オーストラリアン・ジャーナル・オブ・サイコロジー』、『エッジサイエンス』、『会報Métapsychique』に超心理学的研究を発表している。その他の研究テーマは軍事社会学と戦争研究である。
What if UFO experiences are the result of large-scale, unconscious, psychic forces?
Parapsychology and UFOlogy are like oil and water. They just don't mix, despite the decades-long efforts of some highly respected researchers to call attention to the paranormal or parapsychological aspects of UFO events. In Illuminations, sociologist Eric Ouellet offers a novel approach to a phenomenon that has thus far resisted all other efforts to explain it, be it as extraterrestrial craft, time travelers, secret government projects, or natural phenomena.
Combining research in parapsychology, sociology, and UFOlogy, Ouellet provides a thought provoking reassessment of several well-known UFO cases, including the Washington, DC, UFO wave of 1952, the Betty and Barney Hill abduction of 1961, the Rendlesham UFO incident of 1980, and the Belgian UFO wave of 1989-1991. While not claiming to have the final solution to the UFO mystery, he offers much food for thought and a refreshing outlook on a stubbornly elusive phenomenon.
"Parapsychological approaches in this field are rare: your contribution is precious, and it is very timely." -Jacques Vallée, author of The Invisible College
"As a sociologist and a UFO witness, plus, importantly, a parapsychological researcher, Eric Ouellet ticks all the boxes to appreciate the bagatelle of curiosities that I have encountered in the field during 40 years of UFO investigation." - Jenny Randles, author of Mind Monsters
ERIC OUELLET is professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, and at the Canadian Forces College (Canada's Joint Staff and War College). He has a Ph.D. in sociology from York University (Toronto, Canada), and he is the liaison officer for Canada with the Parapsychological Association. He has published parapsychological work in the Australian Journal of Psychology, EdgeScience, and the Bulletin Métapsychique. His other research works focus on military sociology and war studies.
ref: Amazon | Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event | Ouellet, Eric | Occult
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL
ベルギーの国防省も何が起こっているのか不思議に思っていたからだ。 (00:28:32)
ベルギーの国防省も何が起こっているのか不思議に思っていたからだ。 だから、問題を取り除くにはいい方法だった。 しかし、正味の効果として、彼らの関与は、毎日の激しさは減ったものの、実際にはもっと多くの観察を生み出した。 しかし、彼らをまとめると、多くの観測が行われ、それが彼らの大規模な記者会見につながった。 (00:29:01)
その記者会見には軍も同席し、グループに正当性を与えた。 そこで彼らが言ったのは、我々は三角形や物体を見る傾向があり、それらは特定の行動をとる傾向があるということだ。 データを見ると、三角形の物体を目撃したUFOは全体の50%しかなかった。 それ以外のケースは、ボール、球体、四角形など、いろいろなものがあった。 (00:29:37)
つまり、驚きと変位がある。 そしてその話は、興味深いことに、ベルギー軍が1990年3月にベルギーの空でUFOを追跡し始めたという、最も劇的な出来事へと向かっていく。 そして最終的に彼らは、説明のつかない多くのことが提示された報告書を作成した。 そして興味深いことに、そこからこの事件は衰退し始める。 (00:30:14)
というのも、これらのことを研究するための非常に高度な装置をたくさん持っていた批判的な観察者たち、つまり軍は、UFOグループを非難しなかった。 彼らはただ、奇妙なものがあると言った。 私たちには説明できない。 彼らはエイリアンの説明に同意するとは言わなかった。 (00:30:42)
それでも、他のケースに比べれば緩やかな減少だった。 そしてやがて、この事件は収束した。 つまり、もうUFOはいなかった。 だから、抑制段階が起こったと言える。 しかし、社会的な観点から言うと、UFOの波が抑制される段階が今まさに起こっていると言える。 (00:31:16)
つまり、UFO事件、ごめん、ポルターガイスト事件で見られるような、事象の全体的な曲線、ベルカーブに従ったんだ。 なるほど。 (00:31:27)
And that's when then at that point that a UFO group, a major UFO group in Belgium got involved. And then they eventually were able to secure the support of the police and mostly the military in Belgium to help them out because the Ministry of Defense in Belgium was also wondering what was going on. (00:28:32)
And the police was overwhelmed with UFO reports. So it was a good way to get rid of the problems and just tell people, call that UFO group, don't call us. But the net effect is that their involvement actually created a lot more observation, although less intense in every day. But if you take them collectively, a lot of observation occurred, which led to a major press conference that they gave. (00:29:01)
And the military was present at the press conference, giving a lot of legitimacy to the group. And that's where they said, you know, we tend to see triangles, objects, and they tend to behave in certain ways, which actually is partially correct. If you look at the data, only 50% of all the UFO cases they had involved a triangular object. All the other cases were other things, balls, you had spheres, you had squares, I mean, you have all kinds of things going on. (00:29:37)
And so that's really, so we have the surprise and then the displacement. And then that story, interestingly, keeps moving towards the, I would say, the most dramatic event where the Belgian military start to chase UFOs in the sky of Belgium in March of 1990. And eventually they produced a report where a lot of things unexplainable are presented. And that's where, interestingly, the case starts to decline. (00:30:14)
There's still UFO events, but it declined gently, which is a bit of a variation of the official model, because you can see that the critical observers, the military who had a lot of very advanced equipment to study these things, did not rebuke the UFO group. They just say there's something weird. We cannot explain that. They never said they were agreeing with any alien explanation. (00:30:42)
So it still declined, but more gently, I would say, than other cases. And eventually the case stopped. I mean, there was no more UFO, very few. So we can say that suppression phase happened. But I would say from a social perspective, the suppression phase of the UFO wave is happening right now, where you have a lot of people wrote with the hindsight saying, oh, no, no, it was just a mass illusion, and we should not talk about UFO anymore, and et cetera, et cetera. (00:31:16)
So it kind of followed the whole curve, the bell curve of events that you see in a UFO, sorry, in a poltergeist case. Okay. (00:31:27)
UFO's and Poltergeists with Eric Ouellet - July 11, 2024
1,700 views Jul 15, 2024 2024 Shows Originally aired on April 2, 2016
Since I reference this book a lot, I felt it was time to remaster and re-upload this show, with it's short Patreon segment as well.
Eric Ouellet joins me for a fascinating discussion of his new book, Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event. He proposes that we should examine the UFO Phenomenon as we would a poltergeist case. It's a novel way of looking at it, and may ultimately play a part in solving this enigma.
ERIC OUELLET is professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, and at the Canadian Forces College (Canada's Joint Staff and War College). He has a Ph.D. in sociology from York University (Toronto, Canada), and he is the liaison officer for Canada with the Parapsychological Association. He has published parapsychological work in the Australian Journal of Psychology, EdgeScience, and the Bulletin Métapsychique. His other research works focus on military sociology and war studies.