FBI と DoD に雇われて orb の挙動を独自技術(Psionics)で調査した結果 → 正体不明
James Fox が当事者から聞き出した結果を語ってる。
現状、Psionics (*1)絡みの話を真に受けるのは無理。そもそも、
なんて 技術/装置 がヨタ話レベル。それを可能にするための基本原理はおろか、まともな実験データすら存在しない。当然、再現性もなく。第三者による追試も成功していない。
HNI(Non Human Intelligence:人間以外の知的存在)の 召喚/対話 なら、まだ こっくりさん(Ouija boards)の方が実績がある。
最近、UFO/精神世界で流行っている造語で、ESP 現象の応用技術…的なニュアンスの曖昧な内容。
Youtube で Psionics を検索すると多数の動画が出てくる。たとえば…
Psionics Summit 🎙️Exploring the Psi, Plasma-Orb, NHI connection
Psionics, Summoning, Skywatcher, CE-5, & Contact Work
Inside Secret Government UFO Retrievals - Part 2 Psionics_7GG
Protection Regarding CE-5 & Psionics
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
ええ、ロスがジェイク・バーバーと行ったインタビューでも、またジェシー・マイケルズというジェイクの友人とのインタビューでも、興味深いことが明らかになりました。ジェシーはジェイクと3時間のインタビューを行いました。 (1:14:36)
そのインタビューの中で、彼と彼のチームはFBIと国防総省にスカウトされ、機材と共にニュージャージーに来たことを明かしました。彼らは、NHIやサイオニクスと呼ばれる人間との交信や、場合によっては宇宙船の操縦を可能にする意識の集中技術を駆使する人間をモニターし、交流するための独自に設計された機材を持っています。 (1:15:09)
しかし、彼がその話をします。彼らはニュージャージー州に招待され、州内各地で目撃されている飛行物体が何なのかを識別する手助けができるかどうか確かめるために、そこへ行くことになりました。そして、彼らはいくつかの飛行物体を、おそらくは上空から監視し、他に何がある のかを把握しようとしている米国の無人偵察機であると識別できたと言いました。 (1:15:34)
しかし、私たちはそれを特定できませんでした。文字通り、ナノ秒単位で視界に出たり消えたりするものがありました。彼は、文字通り空中に消え、そしてまた戻ってくる、疑いなくNHIのものだと話しています。そして、これが本当に不気味な謎だと言っています。この種の事柄を見極め、この種の案件に対処することをキャリアの基盤としている最も洗練された人々がいるのに、 (1:16:09)
そして、彼はこう言いました。「我々には見当もつかない。それが何なのかわからない」と。そして、彼はオーブの出現について具体的に話していました。ちなみに、オーブはニュージャージー州だけでなく、今では至る所に出現しています。ニュージャージー州には、何らかの理由でこれらの物体が集中して出現しています。 (1:16:26)
そして、彼は仲間たちと同じくらい驚いていました。なぜなら、これだけの時間が経っても、彼らはそこに座っており、それが何なのかまだわからないからです。 (1:16:33)
▼原文 展開
And flyer rings run our fastest jets. And the descriptions today, what you hear are absolutely identical to what they were 75 plus years ago. And obviously, one could make the argument, this has been going on for millennia. And Jacques Vallée wrote a great book called Wonders in the Sky, which demonstrates, you know, cave paintings and things of that nature that date back thousands of years. I don't think the phenomenon is anything new. (1:14:06)
It is not. And it's fascinating. But what about the orbs? We were hearing a lot about those in New Jersey. Any clarity on the orbs? Well, that was another kind of profound revelation in Ross's interview with Jake Barber and also Jesse Michaels, a friend of James and Ross's and mine who produces a great show called American Alchemy. And he did a three hour interview with Jake as well. (1:14:36)
And in the course of that interview, he revealed that he and his team were recruited by the FBI and the Department of Defense to come to New Jersey with their equipment. And they have, you know, uniquely designed equipment for monitoring and interacting with NHI, as well as human beings who are known as psionics, who through mindful consciousness techniques are able to communicate, in some cases, control the craft. (1:15:09)
But, you know, he tells the story. They were invited to go to New Jersey to see if they could help discern, you know, what some of these vehicles are that were being spotted all over the state. And he said they were able to identify some as, you know, U.S. drones that were up there, presumably trying to monitor and figure out what else was up there. (1:15:34)
But we could not determine. There were things literally coming in and out of sight in a nanosecond. He said literally just dissolving into thin air and then coming, you know, coming back ostensibly, unquestionably NHI. And he says, and that's, you know, that's really the unnerving mystery of this, is here you have some of the most sophisticated people whose careers are built on discerning these types of issues, dealing with these types of engagements. (1:16:09)
And he says, we have no clue. We cannot figure out what it is. And these were, he was, you know, talking specifically about the orbs showing up, and not just in New Jersey, by the way, they're showing up everywhere right now. There was a high concentration of these entities in New Jersey for some reason. (1:16:26)
And, you know, he was as stunned as his mates were that, you know, after all this time, they're sitting there and they still have no idea what it is. (1:16:33)
So all they know is it's not us. And it's not it's not our adversary. You had said, Scott, that the common theme that you've experienced is this non-local nature of reality interconnectedness type of consciousness, right? Very much so. And again, keep referring back to Jake Barber, because he's kind of the person of the moment here. (1:17:03)
You know, he was quite emphatic in, you know, pointing out that governments have no unique access to engaging with NHI. It's people who have a certain highly tuned frequency, well, kind of well-developed ability to kind of use their pineal gland, get into mindfulness states. And he said, you know, everybody has access. Everybody has an ability to, you know, connect with these entities and experience them, some more than others, just depending upon physiologically how their, you know, their brain and their attune and how clear they are. (1:17:42)
Youtube 動画(1:25:16)
Elite Whistleblower Reveals Pentagon’s Darkest UAP Secrets! Ross Coulthart 2025 Disclosure