1967-03-20, Pennsylvania : 奇妙な空の光、5体の ET が出現
Preston Dennett の解説動画から。
Preston Dennett 自身による要約
人生で最も忘れがたい体験 1967年3月20日の夜、ジム・リブルと娘のジーンは、ジムの妻がペンシルベニア州バトラーの自宅近くで見た空の奇妙な光を調査するため、ドライブに出かけることにした。二人は光を見たが、その後、光は二人に向かってズームした。ジーンは精神的に語りかけてくる声を聞いた。そして5人の存在が彼らの車の前に現れた。それが怖くて、彼らはその場から逃げ出した。


An unusual report from Pennsylvania
By Robert A. Schmidt
Our contributor is Secretary of the Pittsburgh UFO Research Institute
T ATE in the evening of March 20, 1967, about L10.45 Eastern Standard Time, Mr. Rible(*1) and his daughter, Jean, of Butler, Pennsylvania, took out the family car for a trip around the neighbourhood in the hope of glimpsing some unusual lights. They had been seen earlier by Mrs. Rible who described them as "flitting around at low altitude".
The Rible home is in a sparsely populated area of scattered houses and farms. It is also a mile from a private airfield used by Cessnas and other light aircraft.
The Rible family is familiar with night flying, and the lights seen by Mrs. Rible did not in any way conform to those seen at night on aircraft in the vicinity. It was the curious behaviour of the unusual manoeuvring lights that persuaded Mr. Rible and Jean to take the car and investigate them.
They saw nothing at first as they drove around the back roads of the Butler area, and decided to pull off the road, switch off the lights of their Volkswagen, and await events.
Globes of Light
They had only been parked for a few minutes when Mr. Rible, who had stenped out of the car for a better view, spotted two globes of light about a mile down the road and about 200ft. up. The secondary road on which they were parked is a straight stretch, sloping downwards for at lcast a mile from their observation post.
They had a clear view of the lights which, when first observed, looked slightly smaller than the full moon appears to the naked eye (1/2").
The objects travelled towards the Ribles, flying parallel to each other, and a little way apart. When about half a mile away, they changed places, but maintained the same parallel course, the same distance apart. But they now looked considerably larger, and although they shone yellow-white, they did not light up the area over which they travelled.
Both Mr. Rible and his daughter first thought they were observing two private aircraft, each with a landing light, coming to touch down on the highway where the car was parked; but there were several factors against this. There was no noise; private aircraft carry much smaller lights; and tight formation flying on a pitch-black night in March, culminating in a landing on an unlit narrow highway, was unlikely to be done, even by an experienced stuntsman.
The Ribles watched with increasing concern as the two globes of light appeared to land on the road a quarter of a mile away from them, at the foot of the gradient. They came up the slope at an estimated 70-80 m.p.h., looking like the lights of two motor-cycles racing along, ten feet apart. While Mr. Rible stood paralysed with fright next to the Volkswagen, Jean yelled to her father: "Oh my God! They're coming right at the car!"
Collision Course
Mr. Rible reached in through the car window and flicked on the headlights. The strange lights continued to approach on a collision course with the car-and then, fifty yards away from it, they vanished into thin air.
The Ribles, crouching, tensed and bracing themselves for what they believed to be the inevitable impact, saw to their astonishment, a few yards away from the bonnet of their Volkswagen, a group of five figures, standing somewhat irregularly in a semi-circle. This was an additional shock which prompted them to swift action.
The entities
Within a few seconds the Ribles were back in their car. While her father was busy starting the car and reversing, Jean got a good look at the humanoids, She told me . ..
"They just stood there, about 10ft. from the car. They looked like human beings, but their faces were totally devoid of expression, and unlike a human face. Their eyes, if you could call them such, were horizontal slits about this long (she extended her forefinger and thumb to indicate the length of the slits). I could not see any irises or pupils-just slits. Their noses were narrow and pointed, not unlike a human nose, and their mouths were slits like the eyes.
"Four of the figures were about 5ft. 7in. tall, and the fifth was considerably shorter-about 5ft. All wore caps with a flat top, not unlike baseball caps, beneath which blond hair was showing. The hair of the four taller figures was ear-length. The shorter humanoid had hair falling to the shoulders-I thought it might have been a woman. I didn't get a good look at the ears. "All five were dressed alike, somewhat sloppily, in grey-green shirts and trousers, not unlike a hunter's outfit. The shirts, which were open at the neck, were worn outside the trousers. Everything was loose-fitting. "The skin on their faces and hands was rough- looking-it resembled scar tissue or skin which has been severely burned.
"It gave us the creeps, seeing them just stand there doing nothing. We heard no noise in connection with either the lights or the figures. Father nearly broke the door handle trying to get back into the car. When we had started the engine, we had to reverse and then go forward and round the figures, to miss them. We had been parked on the hard shoulder of the road, and if we had gone straight ahead, we would have run them down as they were standing right in front of the car.
"To this day the details of this encounter are clear in my mind. It was the most unforgettable experience of my life, and of my father's too."
Mr. Rible told investigators that he was so intent on getting away, he had to rely on the description given by his daughter of what she observed from the passenger seat in the car. He had, however, a quick glimpse of the figures, and agreed to their numbers and height.
The Ribles at first discussed their experience only with close family friends. They were afraid that ridicule would have serious repercussions on Mr. Rible's job, which is an important one in the Butler area, and that any mention of his name in association with such a bizarre incident might have ruined him. Jean is an honours student at the local high school.
In late October, 1967, Pittsburgh UFO Research Institute made a complete investigation into the sighting. By this time the Ribles had heard of the serious studies made by the Institute's members, most of whom are scientists with degrees in their respective fields, and decided to pass on the information to them.
The investigators found the Ribles to be capable people, well-known and liked by their friends and neighbours. After cross-checking all points of the case, tape recording their conversations, the Institute found no reason to disbelieve the claims made by the family. Under pressure of questioning, Jean mentioned another point which she had at first deliberately refrained from mentioning. Asked if there was anything else of interest relevant to the sighting, no matter how absurd it might sound, she confessed to a curious experience which may be of considerable importance.
"As the lights swiftly approached the car, coming down the road, I heard a chorus of voices in my head -- not with my ears, but I seemed to sense them in my brain. The voices said: 'Don't move ... don't move ... don't move ... " They kept repeating 'Don't move . .. 'but they dragged it out-'Doooooonnnnnn'ttttt Moooovvvveeee.' When the lights vanished, the voices stopped at once. My father didn't hear a thing and so I thought I was hearing things-but now I'm not too sure. I just had to tell you about it."
The investigators learned that Jean, near hysteria, was driven immediately after the sighting to the Minister of their local church and comforted; her father went too. Both of them had thought that the devil himself had been at work. The Minister (who asked for his name to be withheld) confirmed the testimony. Mr. Rible returned to the scene of the sighting a while later to see if there was any trace of the strange encounter, but nothing was found.
*1 This is not the correct name of the witness; we have this on file, but have been asked not to use it.
1967年3月20日の夕刻、米国東部標準時午後10時45分頃、ペンシルベニア州バトラー在住のリブル氏(*1)と彼の娘ジーンは、何か変わった光が見られないかと期待しながら、家族の車を近所へ走らせました。 彼らは、それより前にリブル夫人によって目撃されており、夫人は彼らを「低空を飛び回っている」と表現しました。
2つの光球が、彼らから400メートル離れた坂の下の道路に降りてくるように見え、リブル夫妻はますます不安になりました。 2つの光球は、10フィート間隔で走る2台のオートバイのライトのように見え、時速70~80マイルで坂を登ってきました。 リブル氏がフォルクスワーゲンの横で恐怖に震えながら立ち尽くしている間、ジーンは父親に向かって叫びました。「大変!車に向かってくるわ!」
リブル氏は車の窓から手を伸ばしてヘッドライトを点灯させた。 奇妙な光は車に向かって衝突コースで接近し続け、それから50ヤード離れたところで、忽然と消えた。
身をかがめ、緊張し、避けられない衝突に備えて身構えていたリブル夫妻は、驚 いたことに、フォルクスワーゲンのボンネットから数ヤード離れた場所に、5人の人影が半円形に不規則に立っているのを目撃した。 これはさらなる衝撃であり、夫妻は迅速な行動に出た。
「4体の身長は約5フィート7インチで、5体目はかなり低く、約5フィートでした。全員が、野球帽に似た平らなトップの帽子をかぶっており、その下からブロンドの髪が見えていました。背の高い4体の髪の毛は耳にかかるくらいの長さでした。背の低いヒューマノイドは肩まで髪が垂れており、女性だったのかもしれないと思いました。耳はよく見えませんでした。「5人とも、ハンターの服装に似た、ややだらしなく、灰緑色のシャツとズボンを着ていました。 首元が開いたシャツはズボンから外に出して着ていました。 すべてがゆったりとしたサイズでした。 「彼らの顔や手の皮膚は荒れており、 瘢痕組織やひどくやけどした皮膚のようでした。
「この出来事の詳細は、今でもはっきりと頭の中に残っています。 それは、私にとっても父にとっても、人生で最も忘れられない経験でした。」
リブル氏は調査員に、とにかく逃げなければという一心で、助手席から見た娘の説明を頼りにしたと語りました。 しかし、彼はその人影を一瞬ではありましたが確かに目にしており、その人数や身長についても娘の説明に同意しました。
調査員たちは、リブル一家が有能で、友人や近隣住民にもよく知られ、好か れていることを知りました。研究所は、この件に関するすべての点を相互に確認し、彼らの会話を録音した上で、この家族の主張を疑う理由を見つけることはできなかった。厳しい追及の末、ジーンは当初は意図的に言及を避けていた別の点を口にした。目撃に関連して、どんなに馬鹿げたことでも、他に何か興味深いことはないか尋ねられた彼女は、非常に重要な意味を持つかもしれない奇妙な体験を告白した。
*1 これは証人の正しい氏名ではありません。当社の記録にはこの氏名が記載されていますが、使用しないよう要請されています。
FasterWhisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL(2024-07 model)
私はこのエピソードを 「I Couldn't Talk About It 」と名付けた。調査員が目撃者自身とつながりがなければ、おそらく明るみに出ることはなかっただろう。 (0:15:34)
多くの事件で見られることです。私は次の事件を「私の人生で最も忘れがたい経験」と呼んでいる。これは3人の目撃者を含む複数の事件で、母親、しかし主に父親とその娘です。 これは1967年3月20日にペンシルベニア州バトラーで起きた事件です。そして、この事件は非常に珍しい事件です。このような事件は聞いたことがありませんが、非常に興味深い要素があります。 (0:16:07)
そして少年は、目撃者に大きな影響を与えた。(0:16:07)また、この地域で起こった興味深い裏付けとなる事件もあります。 (0:16:13)
このかなり広範で異常な事件は、1967年3月20日の夕方に始まった。目撃者は匿名である。彼らはリブル家の偽名を与えられている。母親であるサラ・リブルは、低空を飛び回る異常な光の出現に困惑した。これはペンシルバニア州バトラーにある彼女の家の近くで、ピッツバーグの北約35マイルのかなり小さな町である。彼女はこれに興味を持ち、夫と娘に話した。 (0:16:56)
そこで夫のジムと娘のジーンは、この珍しい光を垣間見ることができないかと、近所をドライブすることにした。彼らは町外れの人口の少ない地域に住んでおり、民間の飛行場から1マイルほど離れていた。サラは、自分が見た光は、普通の飛行機では説明できないような動きをしていたと断言した。 (0:17:27)
そんなわけで、彼らはその晩ドライブに出かけ、この異常な光を見ることができるかどうか見て回ることにした。そしてしばらく裏道を走り回ったが何も見えず、ついにフォルクスワーゲンのバグを道端に停め、ライトを消して、何かが現れるかもしれないとしばらく待つことにした。 (0:17:45)
そして彼らの忍耐は報われた。数分後、ジムはもっとよく見ようと車から降り、白黄色の光の球が2つあるのに気づいた。この光の球は明らかに普通ではなかった。それらは満月とほぼ同じ大きさであり、父と娘が見ていると、この2つの光の球は対になって彼らに向かって動き始め、約半マイル先まで近づいた。 (0:18:18)
これらの2つの球は、その後、本質的に場所を交換しながら、互いの進路を横切った。目撃者は2人とも、これらの球が非常に明るいにもかかわらず、彼らの下のエリアを照らしていないことに気づいた。これは奇妙だった。そこで彼らは、おそらく自分たちがいるこのまっすぐな道路を着陸帯として使っている2機の小型自家用飛行機を見た可能性を考えていた。 (0:18:42)
このライトは無音だった。近くに着陸帯があった。標準的な航行灯はなかった。この2つの明るい白黄色の球状の光だけだった。だから彼らはこの時点で神経質になり始めていた。それから、4分の1マイルの距離で、これらの物体はこの小高い丘の下の道路に着陸したように見え、それから時速70マイルから80マイルと推定される速度でこの丘の上の目撃者たちに向かって走り始めた。 (0:19:19)
目撃者たちには、約10フィート間 隔で2台のオートバイが疾走しているように見えた。すでに心配し、戸惑っていたジムとジーンは、恐怖に襲われた。ジムは車の外に立ち、恐怖で完全に麻痺していたと彼は言った。ジーンは車の中に座り、父親に、ああ、神様、彼らは車のすぐそばまで来ています、と叫び始めた。 (0:19:43)
そこでジムは運転席側の開いた窓から手を伸ばし、車のヘッドライトをつけた。しかし効果はなかった。ライトはぶつかりそうな勢いで接近を続けた。さて、このときジーンは非常に奇妙な、そして私が非常に重要だと思うことを経験した。ジーンが言うように、ライトが急速に車に近づき、道路を下ってきたとき、私は頭の中で声の合唱を聞いた。 (0:20:14)
声は、動くな、動くな、動くなと言っていた。動くな、動くな、動くな、と繰り返していた。とても珍しいことだ。そして、この光は彼らに向かってズームアップし、約150フィートの距離まで近づいた。ジムとジーンは自分たちの車と衝突すると思い、衝撃に備えた。 (0:20:44)
突然、これらの光が空中に消えたとき、ジーンがテレパシーで聞いていた声は止まった。しかし、遭遇はまだ終わっていなかった。 (0:20:51)
今度はさらに驚くべきことに、彼らは車のすぐ前に、不規則な半円を描いて立っている5人のヒューマノイドのグループを見た。ジャンが言うように、彼らは人間のように見えたが、彼らの顔には全く表情がなく、人間の顔とは違っていた。目は横長のスリットだった。 虹彩も瞳孔も見えなかった。 (0:21:26)
鼻は細く尖っていて、人間の鼻とは似ておらず、口も目と同じようにただのスリットだった。これらの人物のうち4人 は推定身長5フィート7インチほどだったが、1人はもう少し低く、5フィートだった。
。これらの人影は野球帽に似た帽子をかぶっていたが、普通のゆったりした服のようなものを着ていた。灰緑色のシャツとズボンのようなものだ。しかし、確かに普通には見えなかった。顔だけでなく、顔色も違っていた。ジーンが言うように、彼らの顔と手の皮膚は荒れていた。ひどい火傷を負ったばかりの瘢痕組織のようだった。 (0:22:18)
何もせずにただ立っている彼らを見て、私たちはゾッとした。父親のジムは、あまりの恐ろしさに、彼らをよく見ることができなかったと言う。実際、彼は車の中に戻ろうとして、車のドアの取っ手を壊しそうになった。しかし彼はすぐにエンジンをかけ、バックし、人影のそばを通り過ぎるためにハンドルを切って前進した。 (0:22:42)
想像できるように、父も娘もこの遭遇の一部始終をとてつもなく怖いと感じた。 ジーンが言うように、今日に至るまで、この遭遇の詳細は私の脳裏に鮮明に残っている。それは私の人生で最も忘れがたい経験であり、父にとってもそうだった。そのため、この出会いの後、ジーンは恐怖でヒステリーを起こし、ジムは彼女を直接地元の教会に車で連れて行き、牧師を訪ねさせなければならなかった。彼らはこの出会いが悪魔的なものであったかもしれないと恐れていた。 (0:23:15)
調査員は後に牧師に話を聞き、父親も娘も牧師を訪ね、本当に動揺していたことを確認した。この事件の直後、ジムは勇敢にも現場に戻って証拠を探したが、この工芸品の光や男たちの痕跡は何も見つけられなかった。 (0:23:40)
それで その出会いは終わった。しかし、この場所、ペンシルバニア州バトラーには、接近UFO遭遇の歴史があることがわかった。 例えば、11年前の1956年9月5日、73歳のチャールズ・W・マックグレイディと彼の兄弟は、幅2.5フィート、厚さ8インチしかない灰色の皿状の物体が、彼らの目の前の空を丸1時間旋回するのを見た。 (0:24:10)
これは、町から9マイル離れたKittening Roadに住んでいたチャールズの兄が、家の周りを何か奇妙なものが飛んでいるから来るようにと弟のチャールズに電話したことから始まった。そこでチャールズは車を走らせ、兄と一緒にポーチに座っていた。何が起こったのか、チャールズ自身の言葉で説明してもらおう。 (0:24:38)
彼が言うように、私は見上げて、それが電話線の下に来るのを見た。それは地上から15フィートくらいで、私の20フィートか25フィート以内に来ました。 (0:24:45)
それは食器皿のようで、浴槽ほど大きくはありませんでした。薄い灰色で丸かった。 私たちはそれをはっきりと見ることができました。それは電話線の下を通り、ポーチのそばの木の下を通った。 それは約200フィートの範囲を25、30回往復し、私たちは1時間以上それを見ていた。それは同じ高度を保ち、地面から1フィート上まで毎回同じ電線の下を通った。 (0:25:13)
少しも音を立てなかった。後にも先にも、あんなものは見たことがない。空飛ぶ円盤に違いない。 色は灰色で、前面に灰色がかった光を放つライトがあった。 音もなくスムーズに走り、薄い灰色の煙を発していた。中には誰もいなかったと思う。 (0:25:39)
小さすぎた。そこでチャールズはある時、この物体に何かを投 げつけようと考えたが、それは賢明ではないと判断した。彼の話によると、その物体は時速数マイルの早歩きで非常にゆっくりと動き、1周するのに1分半ほどかかるという。チャールズが言うように、私はなぜぐるぐると回るのか不思議だった。 (0:25:57)
迷っているようだった。彼はもう一つ細かいことに気づいた。この物体の上には2インチの短いペグが4本2列に並んでいた。確かに奇妙な小さなUFOだった。上記の2つの遭遇は研究者によって調査されましたが、ここに未調査の短いものがあります。これは国立UFO報告センターに報告されたものですが、バトラーで起きただけでなく、ヒューマノイドが関与しているという点で興味深いものです。 (0:26:33)
この目撃者は1999年に彼の目撃を報告した。ここでもまた、ほとんどの人がこのことについて話さないという事実が強調されている。ほとんどの人が報告しないのだ。1964年6月1日、当時中学1年生だった目撃者は、友人たちとバトラー郊外の森で遊んでいた。目撃者が言うように、目は見えなかったが、私たちはただ見つめ合っていた。 (0:27:09)
私は振り返って走った。本当に怖かった。今日に至るまで、それが本当に気になります。私は何を見たのだろう? この遭遇はあまりに短時間だったため、仲間に知らせる機会がなく、彼だけが見たのだという。 しかし、ジムとジーンの父娘が見たものと非常によく似たヒューマノイドとの遭遇であったことは間違いない。 (0:27:36)
なんて面白いんだろう。私は父と娘にとても同情します。それは明らかに彼らにとって非常にトラウマ的な体験だった。しかし、彼らはUFOを探しに出かけ、そして、彼ら の期待以上のものを手に入れたのだと思います。ペンシルベニア州バトラーで起こっている他の遭遇を見ると、私は不思議に思う。かなり小さな町ですが、UFOはこの地球上のほぼすべての場所を訪れていると私は理解するようになりました。 (0:28:09)
何とも言えない。この分野には情報が多すぎて、推測しないことはほとんど不可能だからだ。しかし、何かが起こっているのは明らかだ。最後の小さなUFOのケースも超面白い。あれはどうなんだろう。このような出来事の目撃者はたくさんいるのではないでしょうか。ただ、名乗り出るのはほんの数人です。 (0:28:39)
▼原文 展開
Again, I called this episode, I Couldn't Talk About It because most people don't talk about it. And that's certainly true in this case, which probably would not have come to light if the investigator hadn't had a connection to the witnesses themselves. (0:15:34)
We see that in a lot of cases. I call this next case, The Most Unforgettable Experience of My Life. This is a multiple witness case involving three people, a mother, but primarily a father and his daughter. This occurred on March 20, 1967 in Butler, Pennsylvania. And this one is a very unusual case. I don't know that I've heard of one quite like it, but it's got some super interesting elements to it. (0:16:07)
And boy, did it affect the witnesses profoundly. There's also some interesting corroborating cases that occurred in this area, which I think you'll find quite fascinating. (0:16:13)
This fairly extensive and unusual case began early on the evening of March 20, 1967. The witnesses are anonymous. They were given the pseudonyms of the Ribble family. So Sarah Ribble, the mother, was puzzled by the appearance of unusual lights, quote, flitting around at low altitude. This was near her home in Butler, Pennsylvania, which is a fairly smallish town, about 35 miles north of Pittsburgh. So she was intrigued by this and told her husband and daughter, who were also very curious. (0:16:56)
So her husband, Jim, and their daughter, Jean, decided to take a drive around the neighborhood to see if they could catch a glimpse of these unusual lights. They lived in a sparsely populated area outside of town, about a mile from a private airfield, and were therefore familiar with aircraft flying in the area. Now Sarah assured them that the lights she had seen were maneuvering in such a way that they could not be explained by normal aircraft. (0:17:27)
So this is why they decided to take a drive that evening and look around to see if they could see these unusual lights. And they drove around the back roads for some time and didn't see anything, but finally just pulled their Volkswagen bug over onto the side of the road, turned off the lights, and decided to wait for a while to see if anything might show up. (0:17:45)
And their patience was rewarded, because after a few minutes, Jim stepped out of the car to get a better view, and noticed two globes of white-yellow light, about a mile away they estimate, and about 200 feet up in the air. Now these globes of light were clearly not normal. They were nearly the apparent size of the full moon, and as the father and daughter watched, these two globes of light began to move towards them as a pair, approaching to about a half mile away. (0:18:18)
These two globes then crossed over each other's paths, trading places essentially, but still kept moving closer. Both witnesses did notice that these globes, although very bright, were not lighting up the area below them. This was strange. So they were considering the possibility that they were seeing two small private planes that perhaps were using this straight road that they were on as a landing strip. (0:18:42)
This didn't make a whole lot of sense, because these lights were silent. There was a nearby landing strip. There were no standard navigation lights. It was just these two bright white-yellow globes of light. So they were starting to get nervous at this point. Then, at about a distance of a quarter mile, these objects appeared to land on the road at the bottom of this small hill, and then started to race towards the witnesses up this hill at an estimated speed of 70 to 80 miles per hour. (0:19:19)
It looked to the witnesses like two motorcycles spaced about 10 feet apart, whizzing towards them. So, already concerned and puzzled, fear now swept over both Jim and Jean. Jim stood outside of the car, and he was, he said, absolutely paralyzed with fright, while Jean sat in the car and started screaming to her father, oh my god, they're coming right at the car. (0:19:43)
So Jim reached in through the open window on the driver's side and flicked on the car headlights. This had no effect. The lights continued to approach, seemingly on a collision course. Now, it was at this point that Jean experienced something very strange, and I think highly significant. As Jean says, As the lights swiftly approached the car, coming down the road, I heard a chorus of voices in my head, not with my ears, but I seemed to sense them in my brain. (0:20:14)
The voices said, don't move, don't move, don't move. They kept repeating don't move, but they dragged it out, saying don't move. So that's very unusual. And these lights zoomed right up towards them, coming to within about 150 feet. And Jim and Jean thought that they were actually going to have a collision with their car, so they braced for impact. (0:20:44)
When suddenly these lights vanished into thin air, the voices Jean was hearing telepathically stopped. But the encounter wasn't over yet. (0:20:51)
Now, even more astonishing, they saw a group of five humanoids, standing in an irregular semicircle, facing them, right in front of their car. As Jean says, They looked like human beings, but their faces were totally devoid of expression, and unlike a human face. Their eyes, if you could call them such, were horizontal slits. I could not see any irises or pupils, just slits. (0:21:26)
Their noses were narrow and pointed, not unlike a human nose, and their mouths were just slits, like the eyes. So four of these figures were an estimated five feet seven inches tall or so, but one was a little bit shorter, five feet tall. Per Jean, they had short blonde hair, except for the short one who had shoulder length hair, and Jean had the impression that she was female. (0:21:52)
These figures wore caps that were similar to baseball caps, but were dressed in what looked like normal loose-fitting clothes, sort of gray-green shirts and trousers, but they certainly did not look normal. Not only were their faces different, so was their complexion. As Jean says, the skin on their faces and hands was rough looking. It resembled scar tissue, which has just been severely burned. (0:22:18)
It gave us the creeps, seeing them just stand there doing nothing. Now the father, Jim, admits that he was so frightened, he didn't really get a good look at the beings. In fact, he nearly broke the car door handle in his haste to get back inside the car. But he did, and he immediately started the engine, backed up, and then drove forward, swerving off the road to get by these figures. (0:22:42)
Both father and daughter, as you can imagine, found this whole encounter incredibly scary. As Jean says, to this day, the details of this encounter are clear in my mind. It was the most unforgettable experience of my life, and my father's too. So following this encounter, Jean was so hysterical with fear that Jim had to drive her directly to the local church to visit the minister. They were afraid that this encounter might have been devilish in nature. (0:23:15)
Investigators later spoke with the minister, who confirmed that both the father and the daughter did visit him and were really upset. Shortly after this incident, Jim bravely did return to the scene to look for any evidence, but he couldn't find any trace of these craft lights or the men or anything. (0:23:40)
So that is the end of that encounter. But it turns out that this location, Butler, Pennsylvania, does have some history of close-up UFO encounters. For example, 11 years earlier, on September 5, 1956, 73-year-old Charles W. McGrady and his brother watched a gray dishpan-shaped object only two-and-a-half feet wide and eight inches thick circle around the sky in front of them for a full hour. (0:24:10)
This began when Charles' brother, who lived nine miles out of town on Kittening Road, called his brother Charles to come over as there was something strange, he said, flying around his house. So Charles drove out over there and sat on the porch with his brother when this object suddenly showed up. And I'll just let Charles describe in his own words what happened. (0:24:38)
As he says, I looked up and saw it coming under a telephone wire. It was about 15 feet from the ground and came within 20 or 25 feet of me. (0:24:45)
It looked like a dishpan and was not quite as big as a tub. It was kind of light gray and round. We could see it plainly. It passed under the telephone wire and under a tree by the porch. It made 25 or 30 trips in an area of about 200 feet and we watched it for over an hour. It kept the same elevation and went under the same wire each time to a foot above the ground. (0:25:13)
It didn't make a bit of noise. I never saw anything like it before or since. It must have been a flying saucer. It was gray in color and had a light on the front which gave off a grayish light. It ran smoothly without making a sound and gave off a light gray smoke. I don't think there was anyone in it. (0:25:39)
It was too small. So at one point Charles considered throwing something at this object but decided that this would be unwise. He said it moved very slowly at a fast walking speed just a few miles per hour and would take about one and a half minutes each time to complete a full circle. As Charles says, I kept wondering why it would go around and around out there. (0:25:57)
It seemed to be lost. He did notice one other detail. This object had two rows of four short two inch pegs on top of it. Certainly a strange little UFO. Now while both of the above encounters were investigated by researchers, here's a brief one that remains uninvestigated which was reported to the National UFO Reporting Center but is interesting not only because it occurred in Butler but it does involve a humanoid. (0:26:33)
This witness reported his sighting in 1999, some 35 years after it occurred. Again underlining the fact that most people don't talk about this. Most people don't report it. The encounter occurred on June 1st 1964 when the witness, at that time a seventh grade student, was with a group of his friends playing in the woods outside of Butler when he saw a quote, being all black with pointed hands and feet, no ears or nose, a slit for a mouth, and a very smooth texture. As the witness says, we just stared at each other although I saw no eyes. (0:27:09)
I turned and ran. I was truly terrified. To this day it really bothers me. What did I see? This encounter was so brief he didn't have a chance to alert his friends so only he saw it. But definitely a very close-up encounter with a humanoid that in some ways is very similar to what the father and daughter, Jim and Jean, saw. (0:27:36)
How interesting is that? I really feel a lot for the father and daughter. That was clearly a very traumatic experience for them. But they went out looking for UFOs and they got a little bit more, I think, than they bargained for. And certainly other encounters going on in Butler, Pennsylvania makes me wonder. It's a pretty small town but I've come to realize that UFOs are visiting pretty much everywhere on this planet so I'm not sure that that location had any particular draw to it. (0:28:09)
Hard to say. I hate to speculate because there's just so much information in this field that it's almost impossible not to speculate. But something clearly is going on. That final case with the tiny little UFO is also super interesting. I wonder about that one. I suspect there are lots of witnesses to these events. It's just that only a few come forward. (0:28:39)
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I Couldn't Talk About It Ten Incredible Humanoid Encounters
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