Preston Dennett :サンタ・カタリナ海峡には UFO の海底基地がある筈だ。なぜなら…
サンタ・カタリナ海峡には UFO の海底基地がある筈だ。
なぜなら、海中から/海中へ 出入りする UFO(USO)が頻繁に目撃されているからだ。海底の地理的構造もそれに適している。
UFO の基地なんて無い。このあたりの海底には強い EMF 異常が生じており、その地図まで作成されている。下の過去記事で取り上げた。
❑ Ben Hansen : 海軍機が tic-tac UFO や UAP を目撃した現場は海底に断層線があり、強烈な磁気異常地帯だ (+差替) (2023-07-14)
その EMF 異常によって orb が発生し、海中から出入りしているだけ。実際に空中を飛行する orb が海中に飛び込み、再び海中から出現する様子が国境警備隊の赤外線カメラで撮影されており、下の過去記事で取り上げた。
❏ 2013-08-25, Puerto Rico : 動画:飛行中の orb が一旦、海中に突入 → 海中から飛び出して → 分裂・融合 (途中 6) (2024-03-21)
Whisper AI(large-v2 model) + DeepL
スターゲイト・プログラムの初期の頃の遠隔視聴者たちは、地下基地での一連の遠隔視聴を行ったんだ。ラッセルはこのことについて、本当に素晴らしいプレゼンをしてくれた。それに触発されて、このトピックについてもっと調べてみたくなったんだ。あなたがカタリナ諸島のUFO海底基地について本を書いたことも知っている。その本のタイトルは「海底UFO基地、UFO海底基地の徹底調査」だ。 (00:05:22)
その本のタイトルは「海底UFO基地、サンタカタリナ海峡のUFOの徹底調査」だ。この本はアマゾンで買えるから、みんな見てみるといいよ。でも、その基地だけでなく、UFO基地全般の研究に興味を持ったきっかけについて、具体的に話してくれる? そうだね。僕がUFOに目覚めたのは1986年のことだった。 (00:05:49)
1986年、アラスカ上空での目撃談を聞いてからだ。夕方のニュースだった。とても皮肉な内容だった。 UFOを見たというクレイジーなパイロットのことを笑っていた。でも、それはレーダーに映ったものだった。ニュースではそんなことは言わなかった。複数の目撃者がいたことも、レーダーがあったことも言わなかった。 (00:06:06)
それが公になる前から、私は研究をしていたんだ。実際、多くの研究者が長い間、この特殊な領域について研究していたことは知っている。非常に初期の研究者の一人にアン・ドルーフェルがいる。 彼女は1940年代からこの分野の研究をしていた。彼女は子供の頃、サンタカタリナ海峡でUFOを見た。彼女がUFO研究家になったのは、そのことが大きな理由である。 (00:11:02)
そして彼女は、この地域がホットスポットであることを最初に指摘した。1970年代にさかのぼるが、彼女はMUFONに公開書簡を書き、この地域を常時監視下に置くべきだと言った。 膨大な数の報告がある。サンタ・カタリナ・サンペドロ海峡では、何か非常に深遠で異常なことが起こっている。しかし、彼女が最初であり、最後ではない。 (00:11:33)
彼女に続いて、他にも多くの研究者が現れた。ビル・ハミルトン3世は南カリフォルニアを拠点とする研究者だった。彼はこの分野におけるUSOの実に質の高い事例を数多く持っていた。彼女と一緒に研究していたD.スコット・ロゴもそうだったし、アン・ドルフェルもそうだったし、ロバート・スタンリーもそうだった。 彼はマリブに住んでいて、これらの物体が海に出入りするのを見て育った。 (00:12:06)
彼は地元では有名なんだ。彼はサンタモニカ山脈の珍しい地層の研究を始めた。おそらく古代遺跡のような地層だ。洞窟や珍しい岩の構造がたくさんあるんだ。 (00:12:23)
今で言う「マリブ・アノマリー」を最初に発見したのは彼だった。 この頃までに、私は彼や、バーバラ・ラムやイヴォンヌ・スミスといった他の主要な研究者からの報告書の目録を作っていた。この分野の主要な研究者は皆、症例を持っていた。 そして私自身も、かなりの数の症例を作り始めていた。そこで、もっと深く掘り下げて、もっと深く潜って、これらの症例をカタログ化し、地図上に並べ始めたんだ。 (00:13:01)
そして、それらをすべて地図上に並べ てみた。わあ、海の上にたくさんの事例がある、海の中にもたくさんの事例がある。水上で目撃されたUFOは70件以上あったし、同じ数の物体が水中に入ってきたり、水から出てきたり、水面や海中に浮かんでいたりした。私はそれらをすべて地図上に並べたが、それらは本当に海岸のすぐ近くや海中に密集していた。 (00:13:30)
私はそれらをすべて地図上に配置し、彼らは本当にマリブの海岸のすぐ沖に混雑していた。この時点で、ここに基地があるという説得力のある事例を作り始めた。しかし、第一の理由は、1920年代までさかのぼれば、1920年までさかのぼる事例がある。1940年代に急増した。でもそれは私の1920年代のことだ。 (00:14:01)
1940年代に急増した。しかし、それが私の最初のデータポイントだった。ここで何が起こっているのか?なぜこの狭い範囲にこれほど多くの報告があるのだろう?そして、そのコンタクティが私に語ったことを思い浮かべた。 そのころには、他のコンタクティも同じように、基地があるかもしれないと言っていた。この時点では、実際に基地の中に入ったという人とは話していなかった。 (00:14:25)
この時点では、私は実際にその中にいたと主張する誰とも話していなかったが、すぐに話すことになるだろう。だから、最初のデータポイントは、よし、この地域では目撃情報が多すぎる。 基地があるのではないか?それは興味深いね。ジャック・ライアンからの質問を載せよう。ジャック、質問ありがとう。 (00:14:47)
水路にカヤックで出かけたり、その周辺の洞窟系にハイキングに行ったりして、何か見えないか現地で物理的な調査をしたことはある? ああ 、1年間カヤックを楽しんだよ。ラッコやアシカ、いろんな種類の魚など、たくさんの野生動物を見たよ。 (00:15:16)
本当に面白かった。洞窟のシステムに関しては、ああ、広く調べたよ。サンタモニカ山脈には膨大な数の洞窟がある。実際に潜水艦のナビゲーターと話をしたんだけど、彼は海軍を退役した実に立派な目撃者で、訓練されたオブザーバーだった。彼はこの地域で、本当に劇的な遭遇をしたことがある。彼はUSOとでも言うのだろうか、仲間と一緒にUFOを見たのだ。 (00:15:49)
彼らはボートを海岸まで運んでいたんだが、道に迷って...。実際、彼らは別の船と一種の護衛隊を組んでいたんだ。暗くて嵐のような夜で、無線が通じない他の船と連絡がつかなくなったんだ。彼らはサン・シメオン・エリアにいた。この目撃例の複合体からはかなり北にあるが、私はまだその一部だと思う。UFOが飛ぶように、あるいはこの目撃の複合体全体から、しかし私はまだそれがそれの一部であると思う。 (00:16:19)
UFOが飛ぶように、あるいは泳ぐように、それは遠くない。彼らはこの物体をあり得ない場所で見た。これはまた夜で、この物体は水中の海岸にあるのだが、そこはとても岩が多い。水深はとても浅い。船はそこに入れない。座礁して船が壊れてしまう。しかし、ここにこの物体があった。船には見えなかった。たくさんのライトがついていた。彼らはこの物体を把握しようとしていた。 (00:16:48)
船には見えなかった。たくさんのライトがついていた。彼らはそれが何であるかを理解しようとしていた。突然、彼らの水深計が、彼らは水深10フィートのところにいると言った。 (00:16:53)
そんなはずはないとわかっていたが、それにもかかわらず、彼らはより深い水深に行くために緊急行動をとった。気がつくと、このUSOは彼らの船の目の前にあった。彼らはびっくり仰天した。彼らは動きを止め、ただ何が起こるかを待った。USOは自分たちの船のすぐそばまで来て、1.4マイルほど離れていた。深海にいるときは、互いにできるだけ離れようとするものだ。 (00:17:27)
これは彼らのすぐそばで止まった。とても明るくてよく見えなかったという。スタジアムのライトのようなものが並んでいた。普通の船ではなかった。彼は言う、私はあらゆる種類の船を見てきた。 飛行機も見た。こんなものは見たことがない。実際、とても怖かった。彼らはもう我慢できないところまで来ていた。彼らは旅を続け、これ以上耐えられないという目的地を後にした。 (00:17:53)
彼らはこの物体を置き去りにして旅を続けた。彼は、このサンタ・カタリナ・チャンネルにはとても深い峡谷と洞窟が海岸を縦横に走っていると教えてくれた。グーグルマップや船乗りの地図、ナビゲーションマップで調べてみた。 サンタ・カタリナ海峡はとても深い。平均水深は2,000フィートから3,000フィートだ。 実際、深さ1マイル(約5,000メートル)ほどの場所もある。渓谷がたくさんあり、水深1マイル、5,000フィートほどのところもある。 (00:18:27)
I am, yep. And so those remote viewers in the early days of the Stargate program did a series of remote viewing on underground bases. And Russell did a really great presentation on this. It inspired me to look into this topic even more. I also know that you wrote a book about the Catalina Islands UFO underwater base. And that book is titled Undersea UFO Base, an In-depth Investigation of UFO underwater base. (00:05:22)
And that book is titled Undersea UFO Base, an In-depth Investigation of UFOs in the Santa Catalina Channel. That book's available on Amazon and I recommend everybody go check that out. But would you talk about specifically what got you interested in studying not only that base, but UFO bases in general? Yeah, sure. This sort of happened right when I got into UFOs, which was in 1986 after hearingYeah, sure. (00:05:49)
This sort of happened right when I got into UFOs, which was in 1986 after hearing about a sighting over Alaska. It was on the evening news. It was very tongue-in-cheek. They just kind of laughed about this crazy pilot who claimed to have seen a UFO. But it was on radar. They didn't say that on the news. They did not mention that there were multiple witnesses, radar. (00:06:06)
They didn't say that on the news. They did not mention that there were multiple witnesses, that the FAA actually had it on radar, which they first confirmed and later denied and called split images. But now we know it to be a really good case. And that's kind of what pulled me into this field. I started asking my family and friends, my co-workers, what they thought about UFOs. Found out field. (00:06:28)
I started asking my family and friends, my co-workers, what they thought about UFOs. Found out a lot of people I knew had had sightings. One thing led to another. I was going to disprove them. I'm like, no, this can't be true. Stop telling me this. I don't believe it. But I could tell they weren't lying. It was obvious they weren't lying to me and it was obvious they tell they weren't lying. (00:06:43)
It was obvious they weren't lying to me and it was obvious they weren't misperceiving, which kind of meant, well, they must be telling me the truth. So I went to the library, bookstores, and I started checking out books on UFOs and got a real shock. The evidence was mountainous. This was a subject that was studied for decades, taken very seriously by high levels of government. There was pretty much proof that there's a cover-up. (00:07:10)
There is proof. It's demonstrable from documents released through the Primitive Information Act. A lot of evidence. So one thing led to another. I started interviewing people formally. My first interview was actually with a lieutenant colonel who worked near Blue Book, not as part of it, but down the hall. And he didn't stray from the party line. He said, there's nothing to this. You're barking up the wrong tree, blah, blah, blah. But I just couldn't let it go. My brotherYou're barking up the wrong tree, blah, blah, blah. (00:07:45)
But I just couldn't let it go. My brother had seen a UFO. My sister-in-law. I had a good friend who had missing time. Someone at work had missing time. I knew someone who had seen, well, two or three people had seen gray aliens. So this was something I just couldn't let go. And I actually started getting reports of USOs, unidentified submersible objects, very early on in my research. And these were coming from one unidentified submersible objects, very early on in my research. (00:08:13)
And these were coming from one specific area. That would be the Santa Catalina Channel, right off the coast of Malibu, Santa Monica, this area. Really stretching north from the Channel Islands, Santa Barbara, south all the way to beyond Tarantula Palos Verdes to San Clemente. I mean, almost to San Diego, really. (00:08:38)
And it was not just one or two. It was a lot. And that's how I kind of started to get drawn in towards this particular area. And I wasn't thinking, oh, you know, base, there's a base. I remember the first time I heard that actually was from a contactee who had had an experience in Topanga Canyon, which is along the coast there. She turns to me after describing what had happened to her. She was taken on board, examined. (00:09:07)
It was quite an extensive series of sightings, actually. This object was landing next to our house. At some point during one of our several interviews, she turns to me and says, you know, I think there might be a base. I'm like, really? She says, yeah, I think there might be a base. I think there might be a base, maybe here in the mountains. (00:09:28)
I'm like, why do you say that? She said, I just have a gut feeling. And that was the first contactee to tell me, but it certainly wouldn't be the last. And just bit by bit, I started to get drawn more into this until the evidence started to come together. I thought, well, maybe I better look into this. And so continue, because that's the first base location on my list that I wanted to talk about. (00:10:01)
Before I do that, a couple of comments from people in the chat. Thank you all for being here and for joining in the conversation. Let's start with Rodrigo. He says, are you aware of what looks like a submarine structure on the Malibu coast visible on Google Maps? Oh, yeah, I sure am. You bet. Yeah, it's called the Malibu Anomaly. I think that's what it goes by. (00:10:29)
And I was doing research before that became public. In fact, I know a lot of researchers were looking into this particular area for a very long time. One very early one was Ann Druffel. She's been doing research in this area since the 1940s. And she actually saw a UFO over the Santa Catalina Channel as a young kid. And she became a UFO researcher largely because of that. (00:11:02)
And she was really the first to sort of point to this area as a hotspot. Way back in the 1970s, she wrote an open letter to MUFON saying we should probably put this area under constant surveillance. There's an enormous number of reports. Something very profound and unusual is taking place in the Santa Catalina San Pedro Channel. But she was the first, certainly not the last. (00:11:33)
On the heels of her came a number of other researchers. Bill Hamilton III, he was a Southern California-based researcher. He had a number of really high-quality cases of USOs in this area. So did D. Scott Rogo, who she worked with, Ann Druffel did, as well as Robert Stanley. He lived in Malibu, grew up watching these objects come in and out of the water. (00:12:06)
He's well-known among the locals. And he started doing research into unusual geological formations in the Santa Monica Mountains. And these are formations that look like ancient ruins, perhaps. There's a lot of caves, a lot of unusual rock structures. (00:12:23)
And it was he who first identified what we now know as the Malibu Anomaly. And by this time, I had been cataloging reports from him and other major researchers like Barbara Lamb and Yvonne Smith. All the major researchers in this area had cases. And I was starting to build up quite a number of cases myself. So that's when I started to really dig deeper, dive deeper, and sort of catalog these cases and started putting them on a map. (00:13:01)
And I put them all on the map. I'm like, wow, there are a lot of cases over the water here, a lot of cases in the water. I found 70 plus cases of UFOs seen over the water and an equal number of objects coming either into the water or out of the water or floating on the surface or under the sea itself. I put them all on a map and they were really crowded right off the coast of under the sea itself. (00:13:30)
I put them all on a map and they were really crowded right off the coast of Malibu. And by this point, beginning to build a compelling case that there is a base here for a number of reasons, which we can get into. But the first real reason was these huge number of reports in a sharply defined area stretching back to, if it's the 1920s, I've got cases stretching back to 1920. All the way up really now to the present day, it ramped up in the 1940s. But that was my 1920. (00:14:01)
All the way up really now to the present day, it ramped up in the 1940s. But that was my first what I would call a data point. I'm like, okay, what is going on here? Why are there so many reports in this one sharply defined area? And I thought of what that contactee told me. By then I'd heard a couple of other contactees tell me the same thing, that they thought there might be a base. At this point, I hadn't actually talked to anyone who claimed to have been inside it, might be a base. (00:14:25)
At this point, I hadn't actually talked to anyone who claimed to have been inside it, but I soon would. So my first data point was, okay, there's too many sightings in this area. Could there be a base? Yeah, that's fascinating, man. Now, of all the research that you've done, and I'll post this question up here from Jack Ryan. Thanks for the question, Jack. (00:14:47)
Have you ever gone kayaking out into the channel or hiking into the cave systems up around that area to do some physical in the field type investigations to see if you could see anything? Yeah, I did extensive kayaking for a year, which turned out to be a lot of fun. We saw an enormous amount of wildlife, sea otters and sea lions and all kinds of fish. (00:15:16)
Really interesting. As far as cave systems, yeah, I looked into that extensively. There are a huge number of caves in the Santa Monica Mountains. I actually spoke with a submarine navigator, a really neat retired Navy witness, a trained observer. He had had an encounter in this area, really dramatic encounter. He'd seen a UFO with his buddy, a USO, I guess you would call it. (00:15:49)
They were sort of ferrying a boat up the coast and lost track with... Actually, they were in a sort of convoy with another boat. It was a dark, stormy night and they lost track with this other boat that could not get them on radio. They were in the San Simeon area, which is pretty far north of this whole complex of sightings, but I still think it's part of it. As the UFO flies or of this whole complex of sightings, but I still think it's part of it. (00:16:19)
As the UFO flies or swims, it's not far. They saw this object in a place where it couldn't be. This was at night again and this object is on the coast in the water, but it's very rocky there. It's very low depth. Ships are not allowed there. You will run aground, you will destroy your ship. Yet here was this object. It didn't look like a ship. It had a lot of lights on it. They were trying to figure this object. (00:16:48)
It didn't look like a ship. It had a lot of lights on it. They were trying to figure out what it was. Suddenly, their own depth sounder said that they were in 10 feet of water. (00:16:53)
They knew this couldn't be true, but nevertheless, they took emergency actions to go farther out into deeper water. Next thing they know, this USO is right in front of their ship. It scared the daylights out of them. They stopped moving and just waited to see what would happen. It came right up alongside their own ship, maybe a quarter mile away, which for a seagoing vessel is very dangerous. They try to stay as far away from each other as possible when you're in deep waters. (00:17:27)
This thing stopped right next to them. They said it was so bright, it was hard to see. It had a bank of stadium lights is what it looked like. Not a normal ship. He says, I've seen all kinds of ships. I've seen planes. I've never seen anything like this. Actually, very frightening. It got to the point where they just couldn't take it anymore. They continued their journey, leaving this object point where they just couldn't take it anymore. (00:17:53)
They continued their journey, leaving this object behind. He told me that this Santa Catalina Channel has very deep canyons and caves running up and down the coast. I looked into it with Google Maps and sailors maps, navigation maps. The Santa Catalina Channel is very deep. It's got an average depth of 2,000 to 3,000 feet. Actually, there are parts of it which are a mile deep, 5,000 feet or so. Lots of canyons, lots ofActually, there are parts of it which are a mile deep, 5,000 feet or so. (00:18:27)
Hidden UFO Bases on Earth? with UFO Researcher Preston Dennett
300 views Streamed live on Jun 6, 2021 Andrew Hall Podcast - by Andrew Hall Hidden UFO Bases on Earth? with UFO Researcher Preston Dennett
My guest for this episode is Preston Dennett.
UFO Researcher / Author and Public Speaker
Preston has been searching for the truth about the UFO phenomenon for over 30 years and he’s learned some things, seen some things and connected some dots about what might be going on.
In this episode we’ll discuss some of Preston’s theories and the supporting evidence he’s uncovered.
And we’ll talk about whether or not the UFO Presence is supported by Hidden UFO Bases on Earth.